Sunday, August 29, 2010

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quit my job and what's next?

Somehow, I hard on the soul .. After dropping out of work would be better but it is not. Somehow I feel so alone with all this, as if everything is ok but .. Exactly it again "but" .. I am worried about what now, where will I get money for school (if at all I get) when I get a job soon, what with my big plans for independence, etc. I know that quitting this job was because I needed emotionally burned, someone pretended there who I am. I had to be around happy, happy, smiling despite all that, for example, that someone treated me worse than the proverbial "crap." I had sulks endure both the clientele charming, and truly Dante fights scenes with the ladies and their husbands in the lead role when odmawiałyśmy return the goods and of course the antics of my eternal kierowniczki .. I let her stepfather on the phone to menadżerki salon where I worked, they know veeery long time already and I am curious what will come of this conversation .. I just hope that there will be no scandal like I will go there to give t-shirts and collect their stuff .. We will see. A bit of regret that so it all had to roll, well, but what it was for something. Maybe now it will only better? I hope:) Anyway, I am hopeful and I think it is most important.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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Time for change?

Recently my life is full of strange colors .. I do not know whether this is related to the coming of autumn, or simply too long, it was good .. Everything goes wrong recently starting working through the family, to my relationship.
At work nothing comes out like I wanted. Over and over anyone have "something" and you need to adopt such conduct. Of course, an executive must be all-we do not, she has the greatest right, its not afford to absolutely every thing (even paint your nails at work-not during his break-I have a wedding, etc.), and the one who keeps up with her on this benefit. Annoy me like hell, but I can not pay attention because if there is a great scandal in the style of 'how dare I point out an executive honorable "..
in the family as a family-mother in love with her years as if someone shot the screw too much, but her "boyfriend" that counts, comes home just to check if everything is done and possibly listen to requests and complaints, and then quit. My brother-loved, little-only party time and enjoy life. Him in a play, that we have not because he had no ględzi the ear .. As he says: "I have a holiday" - laughable ..
A with Paul .. hmmm .. Lately there is between us as interesting when you're all arguing about again. I do not know why this happens, it can reach the so-called .. But why it must be so painful?
I have no strength for it all .. Jobs demobilizuje me, and I suspect that this is why the most problems. I should have long to change it, but somehow I can not dare to take this step .. I feel that in my life time for a change-just where to start?

little bit today after marudziłam and already I feel better .. I hope that soon everything will return to normal and I will write something more cheerful, or at least more constructive .. Buzka!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

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About how you potupałam leg and how it hurt me all ..

I did something I had not done for centuries .. I went to a party at the club .. In short it was great! But maybe from the beginning ... I will spare
journey with adventures, Warsaw and flooded by valves in the lead role .. We arranged for five of us, we started to have fun with a friend at home, a small set into relaxed mood a beer, second, a small drink then a little bigger in the meantime, a fashion show because the girl obviously did not know what to wear, and finally after an hour spent in a friend's house we left, first shop śmichy chicha, then the metro, even more laughter by surprise, one of my colleagues pipczały because all cards, and its ticket, and why not if she applied it and can not go. Finally arrived in the order after a series of pranks and dirty jokes about men .. When the club went into my first thought was, that he wants to go home and it's that I paid 20 gold for entry-go and go! Fortunately, the girl immediately dragged me behind him on the floor .. I heard music and dancing had to take muddled .. Did not take 15 minutes, had vanished two of our packages, we found it an hour later with two guys, in the meantime had time to przypałętać us a couple of guys so we decided to evaporate, and that's when we found the rest. Pogadałyśmy little odpoczęłyśmy, napiłyśmy a cold beer and went back to the dance floor .. And there Dżaga-what he called a mistake my friend one of the newly recognized colleagues have brandished with another master, then there was another and another and back to the first, which by the way the girl returned to home-say to him and his friend to whom she was glued to another colleague. I watched him in was 2:00 in the morning, tired of constant dancing we decided to go sit somewhere and a proposal was made to drink something, I got three glasses kamikaze .. yum-all I can say. We returned to the dance floor, the new forces joined me so I did not notice as I was surrounded by three guys trying to dance with me, they cleverly wyminęłam and colleagues found that helped me get away from them because where there is not watched any of them was. At some point, some guy tried to get close to me too, so the new colleague stepped Dżagi culprit and got rid of me saying that he is not for me, I answered him that well I know this because I'm busy and waved to him before the eyes of a ring , as he dropped jaws that meet the dance floor. About 3:30 we decided to collect .. I called a cab in spite of strong pleas that I went to all .. About 4:05 I was at home, and as befits a polite little girl took a shower and went to sleep, but of course I had to sleep before wygłupić and sent a text message to my boyfriend about the strange content without rhyme or reason, but I found out about it until morning reviewing sent messages .. In conclusion it was fun, unfortunately, was not without incidents, I have a broken foot with a colleague, who trampled me with his several-centimeter heel, and another friend ended up on the floor (I will not write in what circumstances), and a little bruise and of course, soreness, soreness and soreness again ..