Sunday, August 29, 2010

How To Connect An Sv2000 Dvd Recorder To The Vcr

quit my job and what's next?

Somehow, I hard on the soul .. After dropping out of work would be better but it is not. Somehow I feel so alone with all this, as if everything is ok but .. Exactly it again "but" .. I am worried about what now, where will I get money for school (if at all I get) when I get a job soon, what with my big plans for independence, etc. I know that quitting this job was because I needed emotionally burned, someone pretended there who I am. I had to be around happy, happy, smiling despite all that, for example, that someone treated me worse than the proverbial "crap." I had sulks endure both the clientele charming, and truly Dante fights scenes with the ladies and their husbands in the lead role when odmawiałyśmy return the goods and of course the antics of my eternal kierowniczki .. I let her stepfather on the phone to menadżerki salon where I worked, they know veeery long time already and I am curious what will come of this conversation .. I just hope that there will be no scandal like I will go there to give t-shirts and collect their stuff .. We will see. A bit of regret that so it all had to roll, well, but what it was for something. Maybe now it will only better? I hope:) Anyway, I am hopeful and I think it is most important.



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