Monday, April 27, 2009

Sms On First Baby Greetings


knitted on the bus. Arouse the sensation, especially for older women, watch, ask. It's very nice:)
lavender paws or knitting, but the yarn is very thin and WIP grows as slow as on my nerves.
mother still in the hospital
Persjanko, Kiwi, Anne, thank you very much.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Aladdin Costume Street Rat

too fast ...

my time comes. Festivals were, today's Friday ... Tomorrow I go back to the hospital, your mom. I'm tired, rest at the wire.

I do not do anything interesting, the famous "hands". I used to think that it is very difficult pattern, I will not cope, and so on ... I need something to count, and this pattern is great.

yarn is very thin, ciuchlandzie bought sometime in the entire 4 zł,
lavender color. Aim is to create blouse for the oldest daughter. My girls like to knit, have a good figure and I am glad that I have for someone to do. The so-called. Meanwhile picks tablecloth, I already have 19 elements.
Thank you for your words of encouragement, are necessary to me.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Top Strip Clubs In Los Angeles

About everything ... Variable mood

Exhibition open:) is something new for me, very positive emotions. Congratulations, a local newspaper asking for an interview, I just would not hit soda:)

I have a few pictures and a poor quality ... we did not have this headache. With the opening of the exhibition we went to, to the hospital.

change in the hospital today, my mother every day weaker, me too, I can not sleep, eat. Shortened hospital stays to the minimum, polikwidowane palliative troops and talk to your doctor ends shortly: please provide care at home mom. How? I do not know, my mother has only me. I was not complaining, but it's probably a crisis.

On the way there, knitting cloth, something already seen, maybe tomorrow I'll do pictures.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ultrasonic Speakersystem, Diy

once loved embroidery ...
children were small, in the evening, when I slept I had to pick up the thoughts and emotions, to arrange a plan for the next day, opened the magic suitcase with colorful threads and sew. I did not need to sleep, it was my rest. Pictures landed in a drawer. Almost forgot about them and a brief conversation led to the fact that my needlework for a few days to leave the drawer. I'm glad.
last days were for me and my family very hard. My mother is very ill and you better not be. The crossing at the hospital I will not write my mother moving to another school.
Robótkowo no downtime on the way to have the knitting cloth, do not have to think too much:)
wydziergałam 13 elements, no end in sight ...
Welcome to the show, tomorrow at 11 grand opening. Keep your fingers crossed.