Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ultrasonic Speakersystem, Diy

once loved embroidery ...
children were small, in the evening, when I slept I had to pick up the thoughts and emotions, to arrange a plan for the next day, opened the magic suitcase with colorful threads and sew. I did not need to sleep, it was my rest. Pictures landed in a drawer. Almost forgot about them and a brief conversation led to the fact that my needlework for a few days to leave the drawer. I'm glad.
last days were for me and my family very hard. My mother is very ill and you better not be. The crossing at the hospital I will not write my mother moving to another school.
Robótkowo no downtime on the way to have the knitting cloth, do not have to think too much:)
wydziergałam 13 elements, no end in sight ...
Welcome to the show, tomorrow at 11 grand opening. Keep your fingers crossed.


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