Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dryness Close To Period

political and practical.

Keynes, the leading theoretician of interventionism, see Winding economic measures in making the implementation of a comprehensive program of investments public - building roads, dams, river regulation, etc. but also claimed that if would be impossible to implement this type of investment, it can fulfill the same role in investing socially useless. He wrote: "probably would be wiser to build houses, etc., but if precluded by difficulties in political and practical, I'd better bury banknotes than to do nothing." Keynes refers in a humorous way possible winding student loan: "If a treasure old bottles filled state banknotes, buried them in an abandoned coal shafts the available depth and peppered the windows junk, and then left to get out of those notes [...] private entrepreneurs (of course after obtaining the land lease banknotonośnego), unemployment would be overcome, and therefore of society, both national income and its physical capital is likely to have reached considerably higher than currently exists "5 Such a kind of burying and digging up notes in today's developed capitalist countries have become the reinforcement, with this difference, however, that the occupation is very dangerous for mankind.


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