Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sample Ad Booklet For Church

The creation of additional demand.

solution to this problem consists in financing government expenditures from the emergency budget deficits, covered by borrowing debt. Technically this is done in the form of a bond issue of state loans (which are distributed among the public or directly invested in the banking system) in order to mobilize not used, and use their savings to finance public expenditure. This creates the possibility of creating additional demand, which through multiplier effects (coefficient of public expenditure) operates in a manner multiplexed on the growth of income. So public spending is financed by an additional element for defining global social demand and its growth does not mean a reduction of consumer spending or investment community. The growth of this type of expenditure, irrespective of the direction of their spending, work on the economy as well as increase investment and thus leads to an increase in demand and national income.


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