Thursday, June 3, 2010

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storm, me and him

burzowo Today is awful. I never liked the weather, I always get scared and that I have been so far. As I was little my mum always cocoa otulała blanket, plugged a Disney fairy tale, she sat next to you and I could somehow survive. And today, even though I'm an adult still afraid of the storm, even sometimes I still do what my mother used to be. Unfortunately, in this weather I have hundreds of pessimistic thoughts, of course, try to drown them, but it's not so easy ..
Today I thought about my relationship. It helped:) I never expected that I will be able to love. I, a child from a broken, confusing family, without good practice I manage to create something cool and unique. I feel that Paul is my love for life. It is known that we have our ups and downs, but we are so different and reasonable that we can always get along. In our view there is no dominance (well maybe sometimes;)), but equality, each of us respects what the other person thinks, we have no secrets from each other, we know each other everything, still no shortage of topics and we have the impression that he never lacking.
What does not change the fact that we argue, yes but we do it in a rather specific manner .. I yell, Paul waits until I'm done, then the question is asked "Can we normally talk" and everything returns to normal. Sure, we have a serious argument and those for which in general do not talk to each other, but only for about 2 hours (yes, it probably was a record), we can no longer be angry at each other.
And guess what? Nothing at the beginning of our knowledge no indications that it ever will be together. On a completely different world than I am, therefore, in addition, like me. We became friends and they did not want anything more. Well we talked to, except that he was with me in difficult moments and helped me. When one day is like accidentally kissed me on the lips on a good day I thought that it was getting dangerously between us, I wanted to escape, but feeling that tliło in me for a long time and who carefully hid from the world began to externalize. I did everything to just nothing between us has not happened, even asked his brother to entering the room from time to time as Paul gave me the plugs will be at math, but the feelings were stronger. When nakrzyczał on me so I agreed to look at him because he can not concentrate on translating my math, I knew that it does not end just because the traffic jams already felt butterflies in my stomach .. And so, after finishing school the more we talked about this and that, when he suddenly pulled me to him and kissed her lightly on the neck, then brushed my lips higher and made fiery kiss on my lips, checked my reaction and started kissing again. I was like numb, on the one hand I'd think, "what we do, after all, just finished one relationship "on the other, that is wonderful and I would not want this moment to be ended, until now that I think about it I get chills, and such a good feeling in my stomach .. At that moment I knew that I love him and it will be, this one and only , and from that day until today we are together in the same way either, and even more in love with you ..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

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Incorrect romantic? Difficult

read a newspaper article that inspired me to write this tekstu.Artykuł concerned sex, this time he was paired with romanticism. These were the questions like: Is it possible to be both romantic and passionate in bed? Do romantyczki are open to new experiences? Are there women delicate and romantic today? Etc.. All responses, of course, includes the text and you see it turns out that yes, women who are romantic are passionate in bed, but can be divided into two groups: incorrect romantyczki and romantyczki the first prostu.Te can not open up to new experiences, are afraid to even experiment. Through its delicacy and subtlety are not ready to deal with sexual experiences posed closeup of a man fear and shame that such women are swelling cause that lie like logs under their sapiącymi men waiting for the end the whole battle reminiscent rykowisko.Druga group of women are obviously not a complete reversal of the former. However, they can do for your partner, and above all for myself much more. Such women are definitely bolder, more open. They can dispense his gentleness and innocence (seemingly innocent). One question remains, for me the most important and interesting that even though I tried very much not found the answers, namely: Are there women delicate and romantic today? Can utter your opinion on this? In my opinion, it is possible (leaning on his example). Many modern women have time to see turned into hunters, such ladies men naturally gravitate but only two types: first-"macho" (the word is specifically written that way) who give a "get out" of such a woman for one night, the second-to simply a weak man, or rather a boy who wants to get at any time of life to lead him by the hand. Some women forget about the councils of our grandmothers, grandmothers, that a man must feel that he got a woman, but the truth is usually quite different. We (women) are able to skillfully manipulate men, but it is already known for a long time, I just need to put in a very long time to bring to perfection their very subtle flirtation, and it's not easy to play. Referring to the article was written there very nice sentence, which was more or less the sense that the more love is better later wychodzona tastes, and above all any longer. I think that is holy true (and again I refer here on my own experience). But back to the previous post .. taken Liberated women like myself called the bid described above in my eyes they are frightened girls who are not able to connect with someone on a permanent basis because at some point in their lives have lost themselves and their values, the hunt for a man extents to hide his fear of being hurt, rejection-related of unhappy love, or trying to provide the warmth and attention that they lacked the family home. However, as mentioned earlier it is possible to be romantic because it is associated with both behavior and thinking. Behavior may be single or just a whim, and since Christmas is the romanticism of the modern world, as perceived. Thinking is a romantic character trait, related mainly to the dreamers. Is probably the hardest thing to reconcile these two aspects, but not for the person who this is, but for the environment in which he resides.

And I who am I?
I am a romantic, a dreamer. Is incorrect? Once, for sure. And now? Maybe sometimes. But I like it, I think it's the quintessence gentle and wise woman.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

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are contacts with people ..

Sometimes it seems to me that all I do is pointless. After what I have to try once, and so nobody pays any attention, and at least once an error is getting rumpus in half Polish .. Maybe again a little drama queen, but I'm sorry if someone does not appreciate what I do. At work there is the principle of "customer is king", Mr sometimes will take on the goods they want to try, I'm fetching all of the top (I have to climb to a height of at least 3 meters and then another fight with cartons) I give with a smile, advise, and then gets ochrzan example: how it is done, for so much money that should otherwise be made itp.jakbym I sat in the back and did this stuff, this is the least tiring as they often do not hear thank you for the effort, but jeb 'ice Water words "in the face. The worst thing is that when someone yells at me that, for example, can not find the money I have to smile, apologize and answer all the questions I asked with a big smile glued to your face like a miss world. It is unfair that people who work in these positions as I am, or ever so began the most do not appreciate someone else's pracy.Większość of these people think that it enter into such a store and asks for something, I'm just only her, but this is not now and get it explain such an individual. You can not because they still get the swill in the face .. Oh it is hard sometimes .. Not to mention all those checks, regulations, orders, really as a mere employee is a nobody, literally zero.
But that was not so tragic, and there are nice moments .. I remember once a lady brought us cookies as a reward, śmichy with her friends at work when the silent customers, or even ask you who can say, sorry and thanks-nothing so gladdens my heart as just such a client, that all they had ..
wonder what to do with my life, I want to continue to learn not to prance like the ox, as now, but I assume so many ideas, so many interests that I do not know what to choose. Everything interests me is not professional future, my artistic soul requires me to completely devote himself to art, curious part of me wants to ethnology, and awakening in me wants psychologist-detective further explore the secrets of the human psyche and activities .. But still the closest to my heart is probably in part anthropology, and ties it all together .. But where am I then to find a job? I know where I want to work, but I'm afraid that I will not find it there.
must be of good cheer, what would it be, and the knife will succeed:) I hope so ..

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few words about me ..

I'm a girl, an old soul. People my age are playing, go wild, as it says, enjoy the nice life. And me? I live in a world of books, I dream of starting a family, happy family. I want to explore the world, culture and customs of other people. Reap the handfuls and write down. I like observing people, do not judge how it's probably some people just think at this point, observe.

observation for me to look at other people, their world and a desire to mature w ich świecie to co widzą oni. Obserwacja to dla mnie próba zrozumienia. Najbardziej lubię patrzeć na małe dzieci. One są tak bezbronne i naiwne że ich świat wydaje się być idealny. Nie ma kolorów szarości i czerni jest kolor, światło. Kolorowe motyle, drzewa, kwiaty.. Lubię patrzeć jak te małe istoty zachwycają się tak błahymi rzeczami którymi dorośli cieszyć się nie potrafią.

Moje melancholijne "ja" domaga się wspomnień o Bieszczadach..

Góry te stały się moim azylem, miejscem na ziemi do którego chcę wracać, w którym chcę być. Jest to skrawek świata which can, as a child to enjoy that stuff a million around the surround. Green tree brings comfort, color feria pastures dizzy and give you the strength to overcome successive peaks rewarding.

And I mentioned already that I'm also pretty stormy? No? Well, it's explained .. I do not mean the literal meaning of those words, I'm not crazy and rebellious teenager with a very high opinion of himself. I am a person who is so complicated that some, actually most people hardly understand me. I can not to open up, not an animal you do not like to go as it is popularly said, "the city". I like peace, quiet and freedom, and above all I do appreciate the stability. Contrary to the appearance of a porcelain doll I'm very stubborn and fierce is reportedly the father. Hence the term "turbulent", my character traits are mutually exclusive. Therefore, I do not have a large circle of friends, people nowadays are so busy that they do not have time to get to know the other person, and I need time to fondness and trust someone in another case, I'm such a quiet little bit savage still at large watching everything around her eyes.