Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How To Get A Auto Mechanics Liesence Ontario

few words about me ..

I'm a girl, an old soul. People my age are playing, go wild, as it says, enjoy the nice life. And me? I live in a world of books, I dream of starting a family, happy family. I want to explore the world, culture and customs of other people. Reap the handfuls and write down. I like observing people, do not judge how it's probably some people just think at this point, observe.

observation for me to look at other people, their world and a desire to mature w ich świecie to co widzą oni. Obserwacja to dla mnie próba zrozumienia. Najbardziej lubię patrzeć na małe dzieci. One są tak bezbronne i naiwne że ich świat wydaje się być idealny. Nie ma kolorów szarości i czerni jest kolor, światło. Kolorowe motyle, drzewa, kwiaty.. Lubię patrzeć jak te małe istoty zachwycają się tak błahymi rzeczami którymi dorośli cieszyć się nie potrafią.

Moje melancholijne "ja" domaga się wspomnień o Bieszczadach..

Góry te stały się moim azylem, miejscem na ziemi do którego chcę wracać, w którym chcę być. Jest to skrawek świata which can, as a child to enjoy that stuff a million around the surround. Green tree brings comfort, color feria pastures dizzy and give you the strength to overcome successive peaks rewarding.

And I mentioned already that I'm also pretty stormy? No? Well, it's explained .. I do not mean the literal meaning of those words, I'm not crazy and rebellious teenager with a very high opinion of himself. I am a person who is so complicated that some, actually most people hardly understand me. I can not to open up, not an animal you do not like to go as it is popularly said, "the city". I like peace, quiet and freedom, and above all I do appreciate the stability. Contrary to the appearance of a porcelain doll I'm very stubborn and fierce is reportedly the father. Hence the term "turbulent", my character traits are mutually exclusive. Therefore, I do not have a large circle of friends, people nowadays are so busy that they do not have time to get to know the other person, and I need time to fondness and trust someone in another case, I'm such a quiet little bit savage still at large watching everything around her eyes.


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