Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cruisy Gay Spots Los Angeles

storm, me and him

burzowo Today is awful. I never liked the weather, I always get scared and that I have been so far. As I was little my mum always cocoa otulała blanket, plugged a Disney fairy tale, she sat next to you and I could somehow survive. And today, even though I'm an adult still afraid of the storm, even sometimes I still do what my mother used to be. Unfortunately, in this weather I have hundreds of pessimistic thoughts, of course, try to drown them, but it's not so easy ..
Today I thought about my relationship. It helped:) I never expected that I will be able to love. I, a child from a broken, confusing family, without good practice I manage to create something cool and unique. I feel that Paul is my love for life. It is known that we have our ups and downs, but we are so different and reasonable that we can always get along. In our view there is no dominance (well maybe sometimes;)), but equality, each of us respects what the other person thinks, we have no secrets from each other, we know each other everything, still no shortage of topics and we have the impression that he never lacking.
What does not change the fact that we argue, yes but we do it in a rather specific manner .. I yell, Paul waits until I'm done, then the question is asked "Can we normally talk" and everything returns to normal. Sure, we have a serious argument and those for which in general do not talk to each other, but only for about 2 hours (yes, it probably was a record), we can no longer be angry at each other.
And guess what? Nothing at the beginning of our knowledge no indications that it ever will be together. On a completely different world than I am, therefore, in addition, like me. We became friends and they did not want anything more. Well we talked to, except that he was with me in difficult moments and helped me. When one day is like accidentally kissed me on the lips on a good day I thought that it was getting dangerously between us, I wanted to escape, but feeling that tliło in me for a long time and who carefully hid from the world began to externalize. I did everything to just nothing between us has not happened, even asked his brother to entering the room from time to time as Paul gave me the plugs will be at math, but the feelings were stronger. When nakrzyczał on me so I agreed to look at him because he can not concentrate on translating my math, I knew that it does not end just because the traffic jams already felt butterflies in my stomach .. And so, after finishing school the more we talked about this and that, when he suddenly pulled me to him and kissed her lightly on the neck, then brushed my lips higher and made fiery kiss on my lips, checked my reaction and started kissing again. I was like numb, on the one hand I'd think, "what we do, after all, just finished one relationship "on the other, that is wonderful and I would not want this moment to be ended, until now that I think about it I get chills, and such a good feeling in my stomach .. At that moment I knew that I love him and it will be, this one and only , and from that day until today we are together in the same way either, and even more in love with you ..


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