Sunday, July 11, 2010

Best Resorts For Singles In Punta Cana

Memories .. We

"Memories burn as the sun (..)"- me as she sang of Beatrice Bajmu, burn well and me. Run away from them every day and not at all because most of them are bad, rather, because I can not live with them. When you lose contact with someone I can not go back and I want to rebuild as soon as possible to forget about someone, I avoid contact, phone, SMS. Error-tell most of you. Maybe so, but otherwise I can not. I'm afraid to renew old acquaintances due to the fact that someone can make me feel bad asking what was going on, etc. and I do not like it, then quickly get nervous and do not know what to answer, tell more than a year of its life is not so easy, especially with such extreme transitions. Sometimes I miss my friends, but on the other hand .. Well I could not communicate with them, I did not understand their views on life, party-style of life, ill-considered decisions, constant backbiting people .. Always, during these meetings I had the impression that I'm too mature for such a conversation that I was not amused.
But I think he will risk and do the first step towards these people, in the end we share memories. Only if it is not enough .. I have to even think about it.

might not be is the best post, but I can not sleep is almost 2:00 in the morning and I had to externalize their feelings.


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