Sunday, July 11, 2010

Teck Deck Wooden Collector Series

stability or what?

Stability has several meanings. The most common is emotional stability, emotional, and therefore, the stability of the place where we are, the stability may also apply to persons whom we surround ourselves. It simply means there is no change and a sense of safety in all aspects of life.
All these examples of stability for me are equally important. I am a person who hates change.
I believe that such behavior stems from the fact that it never really felt at home stability. I know, like a wise psychologist, but that my ailment. But back to topic .. The time in which it actually felt stabilization, a time before the separation of parents, then I missed it, but I know this only now. My mother tried to make a life again, looking for ideal and I understand it and do not blame you. But further study of potential dads-men-storm feeling of safety of each child, the hope for a new home and family is born with the knowledge of another is so upset after parting that such a small woman who is not doing a very confident and introverted. These features plus the weakened sense of low-value emerging in the course of these experiences that later, a man now as an adult is trying to make every effort to compensate for the lack of stability.
I'm just the kind of person, I shape the stability of all possible ways. Any change we perceive undermines my faith in myself, again, make me a little immature and a poor girl from the recess on the teeth. My turmoil and the wrong decisions made in relation to the previous two compounds were precisely related to the loss and desire for security. M. gave me what I needed but by the time he began to lie to me, our relationship broke up because I found his first betrayal, our paths began to diverge before, but it was the nail in the coffin of our relationship. In P. I thought I'd find support, but later I realized I wanted to just forget that I used it to M., I admit it. But I have not done this specifically, it is my only excuse. The friendship with my present The man I found everything I needed. I felt very well during this period, our long talks led to the fact that it is slowly zakochiwaƂam. Our friendship grew into a relationship for which we want to make sacrifices. With him I feel safe, and gave stability which is so urgently wanted, the love that makes me happy ..


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