Monday, January 17, 2011

Memory Excess Violation C0000005

Great baking cookies

immortalize a recent campaign by Amy baking cookies. A look to tak :

How Do I Know If This Is My Period

Is sex without commitment? Women

decided to write about it because it has long fascinated me, I like to listen to the relationships of people who lived through something similar or have had contact in any other way-not physical.
The phenomenon that I am mainly interested in the feelings that accompany people rooted in this relationship, a lot of reading on this subject and am inclined to the theory that there is indeed a sex, but in short .. very short run. Two people promise each other purely physical sensations, it is nice sometimes fun, excitement crackled, the excitement reaches its zenith .. all of a sudden, one person begins to feel something more. And what then, I ask? What next with these principles of bezuczuciowości? I know the answer, which I think is pretty obvious .. shall fall into ruin and the entire such an arrangement.
What happens when these people?
theory goes, each in his own direction on the nipple of separation. And in practice? Involved party, suffer, thrashes about, beating the thoughts of "What next?". I've heard stories in which a man zadurzonej said a woman in it (after acknowledging the feelings of the woman) that they can no longer meet because they do not want to lie to a girl you just met, and which interested him. Is not it cruel? Lest there are also stories of the opposite, that it violates a woman's heart in a similar way to men.

I have a similar experience behind him, only that I was party to "catching". I do not like to boast that because it was one of the most atrocious and the stupidest things I've done. Hurt feelings of a man which in some ways was important to me and I regret it. In terms of the same sex .. Well .. I do not regret this because I like him very much and gave me a kind of pleasure, but it could play a little differently, just do not enter into such an arrangement.
Our meetings began with the talks, each of us had poharatane heart, we needed the warm words of consolation. We had to be just friends and we were .. Lovers (?) - This word sounds strange in the XXI century. no but in reality it actually was. Did not decide among themselves rules for how you want it, our rules were not spoken. Once I got a text message that reads: " Ann, I love you." was shocked, but I wrote back that I feel the same-error. I should have him say at once that there is nothing to it because it does not feel then it was just worse .. Our parting was perhaps one of the most painful, despite the absence of my feelings for him. This boy behaved at least imbalance, saws, ćpał, obmawiał behind, when he was building the relationship (based on feelings) tried to destroy him. Therefore, I promised myself that no more such adventures ..

In summary, I think there is no such thing as "sex without commitment" because sooner or later one of the parties to engage. You can not be separated for a long time to sex feelings, because it is an experience so intimate and full of different kinds of emotions that a person is unable to separate them-they subconsciously still stuck in our minds. I realize that people will still be incorporated into such systems, but nevertheless do not support such a relationship and would not recommend it to anyone.

Contribution For Wedding

liberated or loose?

Since the twentieth lived to the emancipation of women, a woman to survive until finally a fully fledged statute fully human. In winning equal rights, voting rights, to decide about their own lives and property led the notorious feminists today. However, this word has nothing today to its original meaning.
feminists of the early twentieth century were an association of women struggling for their rights but at the same time not neglect their family responsibilities to their husbands and children. They were exemplary wives and mothers. Modern feminists
we usually associate with women, actually babo-peasants who act and look like men. It is said that these women hate men. They do not want to have children, husbands has just a good job and money-"the corpses to an end" - said by some people. The word "feminist" has been demonized and equated with the word "chauvinist" which is obviously a mistake.
In my faction of today's feminists are "liberated woman" that today's generation of 20-hundred and the 30-year-old.
Women do not care at least ostensibly, on the solid relationships, borrowed the behavior of men. Such persons are frivolous, capturing the moment and not thinking about the consequences later, they break all the conventions.
I think women are loose, just like that. I think that a lot of responsibility for such release shall be borne by the sexual revolution of the '60s as widespread promiscuity is normal. Times gone by romantic love, where the stolen stealthily, secretly kiss was already a big sensation on the word erotic.
Today's liberated women have hardly dream of such love. They just want sex and adventure. Many times I have heard friends talk to boasted in front of his conquests. It also convinces me that these women are not respectable.

conclusion to say that I do not believe the liberal women are just women who no longer take care of your good name and reputation. They have no respect for both themselves and potential partners. Certainly many people do not agree with my opinion, but everyone can have what he wants.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Does Hair Color Remover Damage Hair

Uh, Uh, Uhh

I feel weird .. I would like to change something in my life, I would be so happy as it once was, with a group of friends, laughing, carefree and fond of fun. Why I had to mutate in such a recluse up? It is true that I have not been this much again very sociable, and yet somehow I gave socialize. Vex on itself, that I became so quiet and peaceful, with no life ..
I would like to go out, go wild, dance-I miss it. Maybe someday I can get rid of the cage that surrounds me, although perhaps it is too late ..

long time since I was writing, I did not talk about. I did at that time a lot of stupid things .. A few weeks ago the first time since years reached for a razor blade .. Relieved. I felt so confused in my mind, body and mind refuse to obey. I faked it before all that I am happy, and this time it was getting worse. Tension which accompanied me through all these the months went by when I saw the first drops of blood .. their blood. This meeting, with the long forgotten "friend", has had the desired effect of stress gone somewhere very far away, in my head ceased mind ', I felt a pleasant state of blissful and wonderful throbbing with the newly developed cutting .. Euphoria.
Such an effect of relief and happiness not held up too long .. After some time, came to me as very disappointed, not only P. (even though he as you have seen me wearing połapał right away), but myself because I promised myself that after all no more .. Someone probably
say that I'm insane .. Hmm will have the absolute right and for that reason I do not let ANYONE get close (well, maybe except one very important person: p). Do you reach for again, after a razor blade? I do not know, but I will do everything to combat it. Just a question .. Do not lose again?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Germany Capital Des Travesti

Helen & Albert and Goshia & Witek