Monday, January 17, 2011

Contribution For Wedding

liberated or loose?

Since the twentieth lived to the emancipation of women, a woman to survive until finally a fully fledged statute fully human. In winning equal rights, voting rights, to decide about their own lives and property led the notorious feminists today. However, this word has nothing today to its original meaning.
feminists of the early twentieth century were an association of women struggling for their rights but at the same time not neglect their family responsibilities to their husbands and children. They were exemplary wives and mothers. Modern feminists
we usually associate with women, actually babo-peasants who act and look like men. It is said that these women hate men. They do not want to have children, husbands has just a good job and money-"the corpses to an end" - said by some people. The word "feminist" has been demonized and equated with the word "chauvinist" which is obviously a mistake.
In my faction of today's feminists are "liberated woman" that today's generation of 20-hundred and the 30-year-old.
Women do not care at least ostensibly, on the solid relationships, borrowed the behavior of men. Such persons are frivolous, capturing the moment and not thinking about the consequences later, they break all the conventions.
I think women are loose, just like that. I think that a lot of responsibility for such release shall be borne by the sexual revolution of the '60s as widespread promiscuity is normal. Times gone by romantic love, where the stolen stealthily, secretly kiss was already a big sensation on the word erotic.
Today's liberated women have hardly dream of such love. They just want sex and adventure. Many times I have heard friends talk to boasted in front of his conquests. It also convinces me that these women are not respectable.

conclusion to say that I do not believe the liberal women are just women who no longer take care of your good name and reputation. They have no respect for both themselves and potential partners. Certainly many people do not agree with my opinion, but everyone can have what he wants.


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