Monday, February 7, 2011

4 D Ultrasoundblog Post A Comment

"I ogłaszam wszem, i wobec, że od dziś, and change their attitude to the world. I'll be cold and without feeling. I'll be less naive. I will be guided only by reason and not the heart. I'll lie and cheated, broke the heart and induce tears .. "

How often consisted of such an oath?" If I had it failed to count my fingers. I always fought with his soft, naive, and fear of hurting the other person. Came a moment my life that has been wounded in a way that I would be broke if not for dancing, partly to did away scar on his forearm and ankles, no less an event in some way, and strengthened me, "grew" me "claws." However, built in the wall through which the few who can break through. I have to go a very long way to go before anyone will trust, and therefore most in the new company say anything, just observing what is happening around you, who was talking about how he reacts, how it behaves closer to the people. Often, the impression of a surly little savage, but it's not true I just look what is happening in about, I think, analyze and draw conclusions which are often an inspiration to what I write.
do not understand the world today, I do not understand people who hurt each other, I do not understand why you began deviants extracting joy and fulfillment from the fact that someone does not hurt to mention the killing or abuse and gnębieniu. Why is this so? Where does this stuff come from? And why no one can answer me these questions? How much I wanted to live in a world where people are more dbaliby for another human being. I do not want because it's idyll would be boring, but this requirement does not hurt unless it is not so unreasonable .. The worst thing in all this is that I sometimes feel that I become very selfish not looking at the needs of others. It is very difficult to fight, and therefore more and more wrap up in his safe cocoon where no one has access to me where I am safe in your world without hatred, anger and self-absorption ..


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