Monday, February 7, 2011

Hemorrhoid Blood Poisoning

"See that girl?" There is a beautiful, slim i. .. stupid. Men salivate at the sight of her. And you see this? "She is ordinary. Without embellishments with appropriate priorities, intelligent. With the only laugh. Explain to me how it is that men prefer to look at i. .. look and not look and talk? But do not we demand talks on philosophical themes. "

today I was witness to a very interesting event ..
colleague from work, a blonde, even pretty, slim, say smart, casual and quiet I'll add to this that married for about two years, accounted for the protocols of one of our servicemen. Every week is the same show, he flirts with her and she pretends that he pushes, but today things have changed .. Not to mention the fact that from week to week trying to look more nicer .. I do not scrutinize .. In any event, today, she flirted with him, even napraszając and suggesting their possible dalliance. There were words spoken directly, but they died!
This is not an isolated story .. Sometimes I wonder whether women after 8 hours of being with the same sex get Krecke. Well, because I like to call the situation in which she speaks with a mature married man making faces at him sugary, buttery looking eyes, and thrusting out the most in his party bust? I do not want to be immodest, but sometimes I feel that I am the only normal for this job if As for male-female relations at work (or too short works: /). Unfortunately
guys very often use these situations, and from meeting to meeting to allow themselves ever more daring questions and retorts, and are getting more arrogant by which the accounts and I get a portion of the icing .. but unfortunately (for them) get me a bucket of cold water on his head, and usually go out for throwing the nose bitch, so I skipped a wide berth. Well, you see such a fate is mine, but somehow it moves me too:)
I do not like this type of behavior in humans. In total, they do not do anything wrong because it's "only" a flirt, but it is something that makes me disgust, thereby diverting even .. Blow a little bit feminist, but I just have the impression that these girls or women do not respect that it was rejecting a part of their intimacy that should be left only for this one. Yes, I know I'm staroświedzka, but I have such conviction.
With such observations, at least I know how many divorces these days, I think it is a component of this phenomenon ..
At the end I will add that it was not so grim and idealistic for me that would make me so for 15 wonderful women in my work (including me) is some 6 maybe 7 who can not resist pseudo zalotom Don RMB:)


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