Wednesday, May 25, 2011

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REVIEW: 'LEGO: Pirates of the Caribbean "NORA

After Indiana Jones, the Harry Potter series, the Batman and the Luke'u Skywalker's time on the incarnation as Captain Jack Sparrow. We are very excited by the acquisition of Traveller's Tales this IP, since it is a series of very interesting, entertaining and fun films that fit like a glove to move into the world of LEGO klacków. The game implements the four parts of the film, including "On Stranger Tides," which premiered in Polish cinemas will have only a few days. Developer does not play in zaimpementowywanie new solutions - we get a well-known and well liked formula that is checked well in previous games - and it is different this time. On the one hand we get gameplay as we know, like and gives a lot of laughter, on the other hand we have seen everything. Well or bad?

well. In accordance with the rules - what to fix something that works as it should? But from the beginning.

While LEGO Star Wars are not all convinced each other, so Pirates and the nature of the film perfectly with the design wpasowywują LEGO - brutality is conventional, and some complex topics have been eliminated or have been shown in a form resembling a street puppet theater - it is easier to grasp what generally in the pirate comes especially that thread in the film was a lot. Animated inserts also show scenes that we did not have chance to see in the movies by solving zagwozdki fan of Pirates of the Caribbean - for example, why the curse of immortality after the withdrawal of the first part of Jack (the monkey, not Sparrow!) remained undead?

What is my fascination with the LEGO series can read here - I do not want to duplicate. As in previous games is not uświadczymy dialogue here, just moaning and chrząkania heroes (the famous pirate "arrrr" has been changed by the game all the forms, times and languages \u200b\u200bof the world - enough to say that Barbosa does not use other terms:) and the most charming pantomime which reflects the situation depicted in the films that I recommend to watch it again because the scenes in the game can not be completely meaningless to you - you need a reference point.

Gameplayowo remained unchanged. Four films were divided into chaptery fully built with LEGO bricks. Playgrounds go, with special abilities available to characters. Jack uses a compass to find hidden things, Will Turner throws a hatchet, Women (LEGO Indiana Jones formula) can jump higher than the representatives of the opposite sex, guns, or guns are destroying shiny objects (dwarf - a model the film - after each shot is thrown a considerable distance), etc. Along the way, solve puzzles (sometimes more complicated than in previous games, but also sometimes very irrational), fighting enemies and overcome platform sections. This is exactly what we saw in previous games in the series - including tons of things to find, unlock and gain. Including a huge number of characters which can play and free play option giving real room to maneuver. The news appears here as a new theme changes. Of course, we can still change the character as always, but now I hold the key to get the option to select the form we want to play. Also, the hub does not need to run to a special place for the Revision of puppet (see: Lego Star Wars for example) - we can do this at any time.

That is generally graze - as always. But there are elements that are starting to irritate and cries out for a restructuring of the series.

First of all - despite the fact that the game has a brilliant co-op option is no option here uświadczymy play mode for two players on the Internet. Developer translators the fact that he did not want younger players have been in contact with some zwyrolami gaming network. This seems sensible, because sometimes you need something podpowiedzenia player on around us, that in the case of online games you can use the headset (which could expose the younger players such as listening to profanity), but come on! We must move with the times! Co-op without online? WTF?

Second - sometimes because if this arrangement of the camera, or is simply a 'whim' games is hard to control the stroke length of our character. This element should be an improvement, because at times frustrating - especially when we are standing on the moving parts, of which we can fall guy alone, or pushes us comrade controlled by the console. AI was never a strong point of LEGO, but this is strictly a game, I would say, co-ops, and close my eye.

Graphics presents even greater show than in the recently released Clone Warsach. The water looks like ... Water - the ocean with all the highlights are presented exquisitely. Larger spaces are more varied, and the degree of reflection of sunlight depends on the color of plastic (!). Animation is also spread on the shoulders - enough to say that Jack Sparrow (CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow!) Moves like a paralytic in Amfi - that is exactly like Depp in the film. Animation is first humanoids, even the death animations are (of course, conventional - fellows break up into parts) - for example, you can lose your head (!). The atmosphere is exactly the same situation as in the Star Warsach - from the first firing you know that you are in a world created by Disney - with quirky characters, niesztampowymi situations, and certainly the original story. From the beginning, accompanies the main theme music from the Pirates and already know what kaman.

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean is a game for fans of either of these two uniwersów. With Pirates we include all four films with them going through the most interesting moments in their history. The transition game and look znajdziek calmly take us tens of hours, and everything to fulfill all, as usual, the original soundtrack from the famous movie - Hans Zimmer in top form. In spite of some things that are slowly smells archaisms is a game worth recommending. LEGO games in the series are to me synonymous with the word game. Hype'ui There is no unrealistic promises. The game simply shows and is great. Entertainment in pure form - light and pleasant, without violence - that's why I recommend it especially to younger gamers though, and the old Dogs will find a lot of fun. Traveler's Tales is doing her ass with the conventions and praise them for it. Now just let it flex a little bit of fresh solutions, and may announce at the end of one of my gaming dreams - LEGO Lord of the Rings!

At first I was quite pessimistic about the set and no shit I wanted to draw scores 3, but the truth is that the game is so przekomiczna that automatically pushes crescent on face-and I do not belong to the people who root in her lungs during the embarrassing scenes at the shoddy comedy. I promised myself that I will not leave this game on dry noodles, where Traveler's Tales did not introduce new solutions to the gameplay. However, the series captured the magic of me for the rest - it is impossible not to like. Grow Tale Adventures of Sparrow and I like more than movies. I am impressed at how LEGO bricks are able to provide excitement and entertainment as well as actors on the big screen. Well done.

PS The game was Polish market is located and, therefore, probably occurred slip in its release. Spolszczono menus, name, etc. (of course no dialogue:)), but creditsy remained unchanged, ie, in the English version. Hmm ...

Author: JaMaJ


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