Friday, May 13, 2011

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Witcher 2: Assassins Kings - Collector's Edition from the center

Theoretically PlayStation 2 premiere will take place on May 17, but people who have decided to collector's edition will play the day before Geralt. Within 24 hours, will probably include ... Triss Merigold, but a little too bad that this time was not given the buyers a bit more - Collector's Edition began shipping since May 11. Do you really save the publisher a few days and had to force players to wait for activation until the agreed release date? Well, probably it comes to fear of piracy.

So before you can find here a review of the new The Witcher a few words about that version of the collector, which fell yesterday on our feet. What do we get for a little over 200 zeta?

  • DVD The Witcher 2: Assassins Kings
  • special "Making-of" DVD Footage related to the game - previously unpublished film about the emergence of games, previews, developer diaries, recordings of games, interviews.
  • Soundtrack: CD of songs used for quarterly Witcher 2: Assassins Kings
  • Map: Double-sided printed map of the world game.
  • Guide: A guide to the game, designed for both beginners and advanced players.
  • Instruction: Description of the basic rules of the game, controls and game options
  • pamphlet, and coin: The envelope containing the letter and coin which are an important part of the story told in the game
  • Papercraft: Two paper figures - Geralt and a random character from the game to assemble it yourself
  • Luxury boxes: stylish, attractive case falling all the content editing Premium
  • Head Geralt - a sculpture of the head of Rivia Geralt of imitation marble. Approximate dimensions: 6 x 7 x 15 cm.
  • Artbook - illustration of the rich documentation of the game along with descriptions (concept art, official images of the game and the history of the emergence of visual experience - about 200 pages).
  • dice - witcher dice (5 pieces) packed in a handy pouch.
  • Deck of cards - playing cards (standard deck of 54 pieces) of the motives of the game.
  • card game guide - a guide for all who would win at cards and dice.
  • decal kit - three stickers with the graphics of the game.
  • Temerski Oren - the official currency of the King Foltest. Large figurine
  • Draug paper - one of the most dangerous monsters from the game in the form of mascots on his desk.
  • Downloadable Content (DLC) - Roche branches jacket (jacket blue belt) - one of the best items that can be found in the game. Exclusive Collector's Edition. Permanent
  • collector's box - a box of thick cardboard witcher Medallion, where their entire family all the elements Collector's Edition.

  • themselves admit that the list quite impressive when you look at the amount you need for such a set to spend. Finally, just a little less expensive game console fixed. Therefore extremely pleased that the entire product - from beginning to end - it is very good quality. Indeed, the box makes a good impression - not only is solid, but also nicely designed, with glossy witcher emblemantem on top. As an integral part of the box can also be given a kind of padding, which is found in the middle and which is intended to protect the contents of the set - especially valuable łepetynę Geralt.

    To właśnie ta ostatnia stanowi zresztą swoistą wisienkę na torcie edycji kolekcjonerskiej i przyznać trzeba, że masywne to ustrojstwo, a gęba Geralta robi dobre wrażenie. Łepetyna dostojnie prezentuje się na półce i ludzie nie znający się na grach bez wątpienia wezmą ją za zwykłą ozdobę - tandety nie ma. W dodatku jeśli ktoś nam się włamie do chaty, to czacha ta będzie stanowić całkiem niezłą broń przeciwko każdemu germańskiemu oprawcy.

    Drugą wiśnią jest z kolei artbook, czyli swoisty album z bardzo fajnymi materiałami z games - mostly paintings and all the artwork, but not only. There were descriptions of characters, places, items, monsters, etc. - quite a substantial source of knowledge about the witcher world, in addition to having been duly issued, with a hard cover and a very good quality paper.

    Duper rest, of course, mentioned in the list above the coin (the impression that actually came out with some mint, no shit), some paper to make figures, world map, guides and other such wonders.

    For more useful things you need and include a deck of cards (of course with paintings from the world renowned wziętymi the Sapkowski books), dice (hidden in a nice witcher bag), a CD with the muse of the game (otherwise the climate, though probably not a candidate to the car, which should govern the rural dicho, hyhy) and a DVD "making of" - but when it comes to the latter, the bulk of the material (if not all) and so could be seen on the network, because this refers to logs creators.

    still probably worth mentioning that even a cardboard box hiding guide and packaging boards is a professional - with a raised inscription, "The Witcher 2" and the protagonist of the game (as in the pictures unfortunately do not see it) and cool reflective paint (which is already visible in the pictures .)

    Witcher Collector's Edition 2 CD project once again proves that there is no Polish players in the ass. These kits normally cost at least 2x more, so I'm sure that this edition of the effort will spread like wildfire (if you can buy a collector.) Let the game proved to be equally successful!


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