Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is Cardiac Catheterization Dangerous

Forum PunkGamera moved!

Contrary to appearances, this is not April Fool's Day - just moved PunkGamera forum! We invite you to subscribe and use, the more that username and password will also work on the target site, and who is the first ... served;). All opinions are welcome and feel free to write! Forums can be found at - We will try to somehow integrate well with your blog. To read on the forum!

Taekwondo Yellow Belt Test


With Lego Star Wars III, the case is quite complicated. It is a game unique in the sense that we can only compare it to ... other games of this series. It is also hard to squeeze in one drawer, representing a specific genre. LEGO games in the series are a class of its own, and despite the well-known solution to every player (eg, the use of available capacity for a crackdown on the enemy) pins is surprisingly fresh. It would seem that after two Indiana Jones'ach, Batman, Harry Potter and the three Star Wars'ach Traveller's Tales wyprztyka with ideas and put on a proven method of clipping coupons offering us only the new locations. Calm down everyone - the game will not only further the already known solutions but rather evolving and introducing new elements. As I said - it is fresh.

this time he began to show us the first two seasons, animations Fri The Clone Wars legoludków seen plastic mesh. And if you want to familiarize yourself with the show before playing, an average recommend such a solution. Topics pulled like a bullfinch nose are filled with głupkowatymi gadkami droid, which probably only goes to American teenagers and even the presence of legends (Plo Koon and Kit Fisto) and intriguing moments (the origin of the Grievous cough) can not sit still longer before the television. What other game! Same with the coolest animation patents (Lair of General Grievous!), Usually a very impressive fights with bosses and destroy epic star shares destroyerów y-wing. If the series The Clone Wars movie may be called, is a Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is the best game based movie ever.

Same game except to introduce the mission of "strategic" has not changed too much. Two seasons were divided into three main topics, which are playing like the episodes from the original Star Wars. The system offers a choice of pseudo-linearity of the mission, because it depends on us which path we want to follow. That is not more important - in order to finish the game we have to include all branches. During the tasks assigned to us we always have access to at least two characters that change on the fly and using their individual abilities to overcome obstacles to expounding on the occasion of the hordes tudziez another droid tałatajstwa necessarily residing guest planet. Legoludków, which is the flagship of the series, is a veritable wealth of (no shit, I did not want to count - something like 150), and everyone can find their favorite hero (heroes returning from the previous episodes! - As a reward for remastered Levels).

mentioned above, the missions of "strategic". The strategy, it can be a big word, but considering this new feature in no way call it differently. These missions consist of taking the field scattered battle enemy bases and expand them to new infrastructure to provide us access to a branch clone troopersów, specific tank (AT-ST precursors!) or, for example to destroy the enemy guns capable defense. Sometimes there are armored enemy units stronger than others, which requires an appropriate combining the purpose of destruction. An interesting addition.

fight itself is limited to pressing a button is responsible for waving a lightsaber or a blaster shooting from. Nothing exciting - we admit, but sometimes the animations odpalają during which our jedi kick droidowi Piss head, and rakish with Mocy wali nim o ścianę. Fajny patent, ale nie zmienia to faktu, że do walki (której jest w tej grze najwięcej) używamy tylko jednego klawisza (plus okazyjnie Mocy). Zagadki również nie są jakieś wybitne i generalnie mówiąc sprowadzają się do użycia Mocy na jakimś przedmiocie celem go przesunięcia lub wysadzenia czegoś granatem, które to mają do dyspozycji niektórzy clone trooperzy. I również w tym elemencie teoretycznie szału nie ma. Teoretycznie, to tutaj słowo-klucz, gdyż każdy ze składników tej gry podany jako samotne danie byłby mało strawny i w ogóle leżałby na wątrobie, jednak wszystkie te komponenty bind together in an unusual feast, which enslaves have the same smell, after the first bite exploded and our taste buds can not stop licking the plate when we finished a long time to nourish. This completes the previously fresh whole - adds new patents to those already known to allow a new taste in them. Pseudo-strategic missions are intertwined with the space bataliami tasks, chilled, in turn, are well thought out, do not rely only on obrzucaniu us ever more difficult opponents. It is impossible to be bored.

As in previous games were signed with the logo of the Danish bricks while currently do not participate in any mission, we have access to the hub. Huba, who also, and this time it is open for exploration. Traveller's Tales, however, crossed themselves. Imagine that in the Clone Wars will see two huge warring ships. Ba! Soar, even in space between the kruzerami napierdzielającymi. Available here znajdziek hide many locations, secret rooms (in the medical bay for example, we can create a new character from the available parts), or as to unlock the red blocks (performing cheat'ów role) to buy. Indeed, the magnitude of things to collect and access to the hub unlocks the next location along with the progress in the game, also did not get everything at once on a tray.

brilliantly resolved a split-screen, and even better co-op'a had once described in playteście, so let me I will use quotes:

Split screen: "We do not have a typical split-screen only two characters on screen. As a growing apart the screen begins to divide - there is a dash with its axis turns, depending on how our figures are set against each other. If one character is on the right, second from left is the screen we have divided vertically. However, while the figure on the left will go deeper into the screen (it will be 'top'), this line separates the screen rotates to the horizontal. Now that figure has been at the forefront go over to the puppet, who tried to run away from us is at some point, when we are close to each other, our screens will combine the halves, and the line separating them just disappear. A brilliant patent. "

Co-op:" Cooperation is as true collaboration, and not, as happens in other games - is a common exterminating enemies. Wlecimy robot platform which, in turn, for example, our wife, the power of Jedi Anakin, carry on the other side of the hole, which in turn will use the robot terminal, opening a previously locked door. This is the simplest example - often a "stuck" by combining together, what to do next. Fantastic game to play with the bride (resp. with a colleague - "life has to relish - once a girl, boy again"), which for other games terribly lost. I guarantee you that LEGO charm Your girlfriend and she does not have to like games. Co-op is also user friendly - this is not a separate game mode. Just hit start on the second crash and I look forward to a common fun. He is also a little frustrating - quite easy to die here, however, punishment is minimal - we lose a little bit of coins and already discourage. Even if we have 0 money we do not see the string game over. "

game is long, and taking into account the prevailing standards can be said that even very long. The mass of objects to unlock and also much replayability lengthen this time. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is a unique experience - even for the experienced player. In addition, plucked alive from the music video, rich universe, and improved graphics (great light sourcing!) A high-quality product.

Author: JaMaJ

PS This is a game you do not despise no wife / girlfriend / girl. If you do not like Star Wars is like Harry Potter. How does not like cobra - it's like Jack Sparrow (Prime LEGO: Pirates of the Caribbean in May). Anyway your lube do not have a choice - they must be with you played LEGO - and will love the game because, despite the build up is very affordable. And the immortal co-op.

PS2 Despite all my ochów and outrage can not leave the game the highest score, because ... no. Because LA Noire would then get the 7;) rating of 4 means a very good game - and this is LEGO. JaMaJ'a know the ratings of his - you can not shoot someone with a shotgun in the snout = no maximum marks.

Going From Goldwell To Redken

day starts at midnight PunkGamera forum!

midnight actuated official forum site (mini Mexican wave on our part;)). Okay, so if you do not lulać yet (with the handles on the quilt, of course), you're welcome to register. More info at midnight!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Pokemon Snap Sixtyforce Glitches

Chmielarz write off ... blogger!

PunkGamer to be a place where independent and reliable journalism will be the standard. We want to contribute to this, that players in Poland have access to objective and niezmanipulowanych materials in any way. But such places in the network is more, but they are not promoted in any way, and hardly anyone has heard of them, after all, difficult to break without the marketing, advertising, or behind the other sites of force or even the power of a great publishing house. We want to change! How? By promoting an independent, non-commercial blogs about video games! Perhaps some of you will think how to advertise your own competition, but ... We do not care, because the games count, and good lyrics, not a Sellout, which is poured from the abyss of all the Web! Therefore, this somewhat ambitious idea to create something along the lines of a family of independent websites which provide information about the game, written by real players! How would it work? Well, very simply! Once our service would start, it will be bloggers can contact us in order to promote your own site. Once a month umieszczalibyśmy selected text from this blog in PunkGamerze and placed a link (with banner?) To it, this could be a button on a name. Or maybe even to allow bloggers to publish their texts PunkGamerze and promote their services? The theme is open and as always we look forward to your suggestions - the only two conditions is that the blog MUST be non-commercial (here we do not want publishers and corporations, we want full independence and objectivity!) And at the appropriate level texts. And of course, write about games. Maybe it will help small blogs to promote meaningful what do you think?

And so the first fire goes very cool blog GamesWorld. Quite a funny thing, because we are here today to put the text that you will find, moreover, below, but the goof situation is such that the material has already rebounded somewhat wide repercussions. Namely, this article regards Bulletstorm and responded to this text ... Adrian himself Chmielarz! About Chmielarzu opinions vary, but you have to give back, that was not preserved as an pipa, which is afraid to write a comment under your name, just like the guy, "the myth of big cojones" that we will use such a tri-language word-formation ... We invite you therefore to read the article and visit this blog at . And of course we look forward to hearing your thoughts on this form of promotion of independent journalism growego in Poland!

Bulletstorm But do not give advice!

was a unique opportunity to Polish game came on the world's living rooms and in the field FPS'ów. It is true that before a successful Polish games, but none of them have competed in this prestigious competition. Cool ideas, good execution, all three platforms (PC, X360, PS3) high budget. Was supposed to be beautiful, but it turned out badly.

Reviews may be hyper-optimistic and the game will get the same decade, but the journalists did not affect the outcome of the sale, but We, the players. A mega sale looks weak. I have no plug-ins in People Can Fly, but just look at the available data to determine that it is bad, even very badly. Well, I invite you to read the signs in the sky.

were to be two million, but for now there is not even a million.
Shortly before the premiere of Adrian Chmielarz famous utterance that if the game does not sell two million, it will be his personal defeat. When a player wants to see how the game sells it enters the Ok, this is not the most credible party, and many people complains to her that much misrepresent the results. Even so, it is not just zakłamywanie Bulletstorm but Killzone 3, which appeared at the same time. This applies to all games in the same range. And the numbers on this page are not too optimistic.

Bulletstorm Sales and Killzone 3 was launched at the same time.
Feb. 26 on a good day sold 587 thousand. Killzonów 3 on PS3 and 371 thousand. Bulletstormów for the Xbox 360 and what is the biggest surprise, only 72 thousand. in the PS3 version. After the first week of the difference is about 100 thousand. in favor of the K3. It's not bad!

March 5 Killzone 3 234 thousand., And the Xbox 360 Bulletstorm 138 thousand. and thus exceeded the number of half a million. Sales of the PS3 version is not even recorded. Sales growth rate had to fall. Why did it happen? The answer later in the text.

12 March Killzone 3 132 thousand. and already has nearly one million 954 thousand. copies sold in your account. And we must remember that it's only sold one platform. A Bulletstorm only 81 thousand. units. What could be worse?

March 19, it appears that this may cause Killzone 3 still gives advice and sells another 141 thousand., While the latter forces Bullestorm stuffs 45 thousand copies. Worse still heavily criticized Homefront sells on a good day, 800 thousand. copies.

So. After one month, according Vgchartz on all 3 platforms sold only 840 thousand. copies. Killzone 3 sold over a million and Homefront in the week reached a similar result, if not better.
can argue that Vgchartz ignores some of the market there, and so on. But this disregard for all three games. I to agree that probably went to the first million, not everything that we know and so forth. But we are talking about "a million" and were to be two million. There is only one "but." If it really broke a million, it's Adrian Chmielarz by this praise, because producers like to boast about successes. Look how quickly THQ praised his Homefrontem. They talk about shopping needs at 2.4 million units. If anyone in the sales results are satisfactory to the PCF to the message it was.

Will it be better?
not. I will say brutally, it seems that what was supposed to sell already sold. Sales growth of the game sat. Price reduction? Maybe something to help, but to have an additional one million upchnąć will be very difficult. It would look a little strange that after one month the game goes to the collection of platinum, or some other means. Killzone 2 probably went to her for years. Of course, this is not the PCF is responsible for marketing only the Epic and EA. Well, now EA has Crysis on the head and at the focus now. As to the latter company have big doubts as to whether they did their job properly. The campaign was, needless to say, quite poor. EA Poland Poland can make good publicity Crysis, but in order to bend over Bulletstorm, it is no longer able. What is most confusing, it is tragic that sales of PS3 games.

Bulletstorm Why not sell the PS3?
Probably because of console owners prefer to buy proven Killzone 3, and even how someone had money on Bulletstorm, then went to the store to buy a gun for PS Move. Well, why no one predicted that Bulletstormowi will be hard to compete with Killzone 3, that really do not know. We know that as the close time will be two strong titles, or Killzone 2 and Dead Space, it's for the third may run out of space. Well, as half a year before the launch said that it will be playing with pierdolnięciem, when the announcement is Killzone 3 is hard to move the premiere. I am from the beginning I wrote that compete with the mega-K3 is weak. I wonder what effect the sale Bulletstorm for the Xbox 360 was the fact that the code was added to the new bete Gearsów? Perhaps if the production of PCP did not have to compete with Sony's flagship product, now would be a different conversation. It seems that not until the end of PS3 owners have been pampered. Because when a player has to choose a game that supports Move and 3D and simple game, This choice is very simple. So who to blame?

Success has many fathers, but defeat is an orphan. For the record, this game is over worked Epic Games, EA and PCF. For the guys from the Warsaw studio can have the least pretensions. They did a good job. Everything looks very nice, but the game did not sell. Probably the whole creative process at the headquarters of studies formed different ideas, concepts and solutions. Were they good? Apparently so, because Epic Games and EA are accepted. How does a game for the 1960 to 1980 million ideas that the developers do not pass on a "May" or "does not hurt to try." After Epic Games when making strategic decisions about the look of the game does not throw a coin and looked at what falls out. EA

not better. Clips with some thoughts workers Epic Games ended up not me. Maybe Cliff B. is the authority for holders of Xboxów 360, but for the owners of the Playstation 3 is a person who strongly anonymous. Likewise, in the west who cares if Chmielarz Adrian was 20 years ago, computer, or not? I would also like to know who had the idea to release a demo, which I think is not caught on. Why not be the demo of the gameplay?

That What I disliked about the activities of the PCF is their overconfidence. When I saw Adriana Chmielarz in "Talking Heads" on HyperZ, it looked as if he felt the winner before the first whistle. His statements that Poland, as the market does not interest him much that no one is excited by the fact that Mafia 2 was in the Czech Republic, picking up a very negative way. I got the impression that nobody in the PCF is not interested in Poland as a market, because those from the West have to buy the game. Or maybe it was a mistake? Polish players as if to encourage the purchase of BS is not on a Buy from, because it's ours, but Buy from, because "good because it's Polish," and this supported by appropriate advertising campaign, it might make those 200 thousand. be sold, and now I talked to about a million in a round with only about a million hill. What can I say. The Witcher has sold so well, just because the Poles went shopping.
too am surprised that, seeing how many goodies prepared Killzone 3, or 3D, Move, and the rifle to him, nobody tried to somehow drag the PlayStation 3 users to your website. Instead, it gave the codes to Gearsów only on Xbox 360 No wonder that people prefer to buy exclusiva on your console. In my opinion great wine is on the side of Epic Games and EA. It is they who brand their names all the actions of the PCF, and it looked like something foolish idea, it is they who with their experience and intuition should say STOP. I also had the impression that the balloon under the title game was hypowanie inflated to the limit and probably broke in the first weeks of sales.

What next?
Probably the worst thing about the whole situation is that someone sees a picture here. Major foreign companies have invested in this country about 60-80 million dollars and they failed. This is what I will is leaning with his 20 million and will be their best not to invest in the Polish game dev. If this budget were not so high, that you can always just knock on it. And as for the PCF. Three months before its release Chmielarz loudly said that he would still be able to do more parts Bullestorma. When there are pre-orders and you can download a demo spoke more cautiously. On the way to see how to sell our game. The game is sold, but not in such quantity that we all wanted. Remains for me one more question. Is this really the million so little? Killzone "first" went down in the amount of 800 thousand., but Dead Space "first" went down in excess of roughly 2 million copies in the very long term. Were it not for statements like "2 million, it will defeat for me, so now the million could turn into a half-success, and as we all know from when it begins to succeed by PCF.

could be very good on the basis that Poland won the west and the game has become almost a cult, and the sale of the expectations. Unfortunately, work out how it came out. Time will tell what will happen next. I hope that someone will draw from this lesson for the future, Of course, if you ever have the chance again to play another Polish inscribed in the history of computer games.

This article is excerpted from the blog:

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Catchy Title For 21st Birthday Party

videosphere: Crysis 2 - playtest

a look at the latest child playtestu Crytek, Crysis is obviously the second The material was made based on the Polish edition of PC's and the game was fired at the highest possible graphics grazing (hardcore mode). Unfortunately, after filmiku see that not all played as they should. Are we so got hit? Probably not, but a final assessment can be found in reviews, which for days!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bas Vampire Cricket Bats India

Why is the time for a new, different game website?

I guess it's time to zapodać you a bit more information about PunkGamera and above all to explain what all the password of the "new, another site for games." That the new, it's obvious, but why the "other"? Contrary to appearances, the answer is relatively simple, but to give it one must first look at other portals, and in general media growym you to know how did the idea for PunkGamera!

first observation of direct concern to all sorts of portals sites such as polygamia, Online Games, PPE, or other Gamezille. Note that the de facto only how they differ, the layouts. Everyone looks like a bit different, but the recipe is the same - we take the foreign news services such as N4G, Kotaku, or (probably just some outrage, the news that we win, yeah ...) and it is good. In a world where it counts only the click-throughs, this strategy may seem understandable, but it reflects on the players who get some washings. Aside from the fact that when we visit one such site, and then wklepiemy address of the second, we see exactly the same content, after all, the news is taken from the same sources, it also shows how to catch Rob, the authors prefer to go in quantity, not quality. When the "editors" (a bit unfortunate word, do you prefer "przepisywaczom"?) Pay the added news, it is hard to expect something else. Bah, we should not be too surprised if one day you see text about the impact on the effectiveness of parsley wpieprzania aiming at Halo 3 Thus, to read too much there, although it depends on the site. But even if there are some reviews or playtesty, then ...

Well, this brings us to the second point. Nothing big and respectable game website is not independent - do not confuse independence with integrity, because it's two different topics. But the fact is that for the most popular portals, publishers typically face - Bauery, Agora, "a perverse sexual positions," or other companies, or corporations who turn millions of green. Players are, moreover, often make the trumpet, for example, because when I read your blog about the most popular console in Poland, they think that they are dealing with an independent service, while in reality, such projects also face cunning enterprises - and known not to do this to the players was good and that an explicit to the interest, but from a desire to profit.

Is it bad? Of course not, in the end this is all about, companies are there to generate profit. On the other hand, the question arises - is writing the text is doing it because they want to share with reliable players, such as individual feelings associated with that game, or does so only because they pay him for it? That the end can not be sure, and we must build up a sentence. Well, what if a guest Title is objective, or can be taken into account some external factors, such as agreements with publishers?

word system may to some seem too strong, but the legend passed after the events that were widely covered in our growym grajdołku. We may mention the interesting gadgets from Halo 3, they got some great foreign editors, or about wywaleniu on the freaking face of one of the editors of Gamespot, Jeff Gerstmanna who dared to play Kane & Lynch: Dead Men issue too low note. Of course, when it came down to it, everyone remains silent, but the fact is that the site Gamespot today was unable to explain why this man thanked, and it is worth noting that in a gesture of solidarity and protest gone there a few other songwriters.

not surprising that the game publishers is the huge importance of the press. This from pismaków depends largely on whether the game will sell, or can it become a commercial dud. The video game market, it is not an entertainment niche, but industry generating turnover reaching tens of billions of dollars. War of our pocket is therefore consistent in principle with only one code - the law jungle. No wonder then, that journalists are invited to party at the gorge, tempting trips, showers gadgets, indeed, some publishers are able to communicate with certain members of the editorial board of the entire division without decision-making, in other words-in-chief often do not realize that an author gets monthly boxes of games, or other fantami. The best action was, moreover, the Prime Minister X360 Slim version, when Microsoft E3 lightly sprezentował every journalist participating in the conference ... free copy of the new console on the property! You do not need Sherlock Holmes to come up with it, for what purpose are carried out such practices, "marketing" of the otherwise fully legal yet. But whether this is fair, consistent with basic ethical standards? You may have doubts. Finally, gifted writer will probably look favorably on the publisher or hardware manufacturer, indeed, do not opt \u200b\u200bfor too much criticism, because he still spin a wide stream flowing tap valuable bonuses. This is similar to some well-known position on the medical market, where a whole bunch of salesmen (also known as "sales representatives") pushes the drug samples to doctors, invites you to an attractive field trips, offering cool gift, for what purpose? Known - by the name labeled as prescription wypisanej specific specyfiku. The industry, moreover, has long been circulating stories about the interesting offers publishers a - "you'll get a game for review first, but we want to cover, and scores above 9 / 10". After all, on an exclusive, especially when the title aloud, not a bad advertisement for the periodical, and thus more sales. It only remains to hope to live that in our country, these practices are not widely used, because we are still relatively small market, but it's only hope.

And then there still loads of other issues. Hardly anyone chooses to describe certain facts in a straightforward manner, straight from the bridge and no longer even a matter of looking at the publishers and that the excessive explicitness would not like them, but rather a simple "what falls and what not," and the desire to please a broader audience of readers. In the end it is known that a large group of hardcore approach of potential visitors to simply scare the world, indeed, common practice is simply an attempt to attract an average crowd respective titles, add text, titles worthy of Boxes, Fact or another.

remember the first half of the 90? Mass cult magazines such as Top Secret, Secret Service, Gambler, SGK, Commodore Amiga & and many others. Some fell along the platforms, which were writing, and some just fell in the face of publishing a lot better prepared to market realities, which olały hardcorowość true, but offer something more affordable for the masses. Just look at the current periodicals, which are becoming more ugrzecznione, vague and easily digestible. When I appeared on the market monthly "Reset", who wanted to be slightly different (the famous department "departures") and more direct, it's very quickly turned out that for a publishing house is simply no place with us.

And this is how we come to the genesis of creation PunkGamera. Niche sites is very much a lot of hardcore gamers create their own blogs, but it's hard to break them. Without any support hard to do something meaningful and audible, and alternative sites for the millions facing the capital is gone and that was hard, because hard to fight these giants. I guess that the topic will be dedicated to the people who stand on the side players. And it was the players, not the editors, producers, and advertisers will be their top priority. For now PunkGamer still being born, but in our team to find people linked to the cult demoscene oriented, which is a kind of subculture of electronic art, which has always fought the Sellout. You will find the rebels, who decided to act, while they know a thing, because it cooperated with the largest market in the press, such as CD Action, PSX Extreme, EnGarde, and the largest portals for games in Poland. There will also work with songwriters from the niche, but kickass and hardcore blogs or commercial sites, indeed, going to such places with us to promote, so now we invite you to cooperation. However, "The Grifters clickthrough" in the form of news is left to others. We prefer to add something that will actually be to read the text, rather than two sentences okraszonymi image, or another screenshot.

And last, perhaps the most important thing - there is no release for us, none of the media behemoth, or other corporation - is put into your time and your zaskórniaki, hence will not be a typical commercial service (if any) we will not enter into any agreements with publishers just going to go to zero through the use of public and general advertising systems. And if by some miracle something will be (a dedicated server and a few other things, it is no small cost), it will be for a beer. But unlike the rest of what we want to strongly emphasize we are not guided by profit, just doing the service, which will really be fair, independent and outside of any system. Most of us have a normal job, so we have something to live - this site will be mostly our hobby. So if you come to any cooperation with publishers, it is on our own terms and only normal ie we sępić at most of the game for review, but if you cut through our language is this a problem, then we will buy them and review and test the item in question shall not fail to mention that the distributor Gave pants and refused to give us a pin the robust test, or that he tried to blackmail us! Key players are hardcore and the passion all of us and I just think that the time has come to a place where everyone, which count for the game and who want to be treated seriously, they should feel at home. Therefore, if some things Initially you will spend a stopgap, or amateurish, then you must understand that for us there is no capital. We will fight for his position and content of a good name, focusing on what is most important, do not write reviews of the game after poszlipaniu in the title of three hours, without fighting for it to be the first in the newspaper market, with some text, because that would be reflected its quality, reliability and simply do not have such possibilities, nor walk. There will also share in the payment for access to any content or other duper, because it has to be service "from the players, for players" where you can openly discuss where fanbojstwo will be suppressed, and freedom of speech rewarded. We want to make just such a place was PunkGamer where grow outcasts and rebels will find something for themselves, where the assessment will not be overestimated, where he will read what, and where there will be room for controversial and often neglected by other content. This goal motivates us and we will be delighted if this approach will fall you will like and want to see us. If we manage to gain the credibility of the hardcore players, and the opinion of the independent guys who play with open cards and fight for the interests szarpaczy in Poland, it will be our greatest reward and motivation to ensure that even more and push the market to change for the better!

team PunkGamera

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Used Rolin Baseball Gloves

PUNKCAST # 1 - that is, OTHER talks about games! Tomorrow the Prime Minister

Before you, as announced, the first podcast on PunkGamerze. Please reduced fare, because you know that the first plum robaczywki, or something like that;). Any comments are welcome, so look forward to your comments and suggestions. It's a bit of listening, so cold and leggy Browarek Blondin underfoot welcome! If you do not want to use the listening, you can download podcast in MP3 format by clicking here .

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Natiomal Guard Backpack

PunkCasta, or rumors about our games (and more)!

Over the weekend, not próżnowaliśmy. Apart from acute ogrywania Killzone 3 was a jiffy to record a podcast ... Thus, tomorrow we invite you to listen to your gibberish. If the idea is like, it will be that more and as always we look forward to your suggestions, what else you would like to find our humble portaliku - in the end this site is created for you!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dr Rajan Mumbai 66982747

Time for a threesome? A new magazine about the consoles!

early March 31 on our market will debut a new magazine about consoles. This masterpiece will be called Playbox, which immediately wyjadaczom old can be associated with perhaps the first fair for games with real events that took place in Poland. Namely those operated by the same name (as a curiosity I might add that it was in the years 1994-1997, and at this event for the first time on the Vistula issued to Sony).

course after the Bauer boys, because the publishing giant behind the project, it's hard to expect until such references, thus advocating a much simpler, that you've done such a neat combination of members the names of the PlayStation and Xbox. What would, however, do not write here, you just change the last letter on this, which is located next to the alphabet and comes to us from the Playboy. And since the authors mention that the statement is to be "exceptional" and present the games in an unprecedented way in Poland, the bet, that like to watch the naked ladies entertaining the pads, or holding the Wiilote'a thighs, or piles of glowing gala, widely known as PS Move.

but a bit surprised that it had not been made public, how often this journal will be our home haunt the central square. Indeed, in prasówce information appears that the next number will hit the newsstands on May 31, that after two months, but it appears on the cover, in turn, like a bull, that in March we'll get the hands off the April number. Release cycle is a kind of unknown, but probably rather be assumed that in the initial phase it will be bimonthly. The most important question

However, others, namely, whether the market is a place for the third player. Not be realistic, written press goes out of date, and although in the case of consoles situation is somewhat different, because our market is not yet mature, and the console continues to popularize (which is probably to some extent offset the effect of the readers to resort to the Internet), it can be assume that there is a rather stagnant on the number of potential buyers, rather than growth. Therefore, the effort of the first number (about 50,000 copies) is impressive, and the campaign will probably also yield, but at the moment of silence journal - in the RMF MAXXX had to fly commercials, and here at this moment ass.

Anyway, back to our question, namely whether it is in the market for three letters of the same themes? In my opinion, not really. About Neo Plus for years said that the low spins, PSX Extreme holding up, because he has a bunch of diehard fans who remember the old times and who are faithful in spite of leakage from the monthly climate. However, it has to offer Playbox? Paradoxically

can have so much and I fear that the confrontation with the biggest loser will be Neo, which was very cheap (practically breathes, as many Why all the Playbox), will have much less to offer. Already, new rag lures in Poland that the first peer review Crysis 2, but not even for that matter, but rather for the fact that Bauer is behind this, which is the publishing giant. Certainly, visitors to spy out the market and you believe that you can do on that money, but that's not all - have a bank agreements with the publishers, are a big corporation, so they can count on advertising and that whole circus to remain on the surface, and mainly exclusive material, because such companies have their own handles. Quite another matter is the reliability and expertise, but these are things that come out in the wash. Nevertheless, texts such as "31 things you can console" (see cover), they sound more or less like the "15 applications for the naturally masculine." In other words, it smells something in the atmosphere of "we will explain to you what is the console, and why it's so good," or, if you will, this suggests that the target audience will be some noobs and dzieciarnia, though of course I could be wrong here and that I may be wrong.

little credibility to this project also takes it that the theme of dealing with guests from the CD Action. So the monthly pecetowego very high and in addition flight (more pictures and ads than content.) But it's not just about content, suddenly you see a console will write guests, who sit mainly in PC themed. And there is nothing wrong with that, at least in theory, because we also play at all, and will also include PunkGamer a PC, after all, a real game for all players. But these guys have ever looked with contempt on the console, then suddenly began to write about them in the CDA, and now it will dip your fingers in the writing of maszynkach created from scratch to play. I do not know, we'll see what will be, but there is some warning light. We buy, read and assess. Anyway there is nothing to shatter this project in advance, because competition is usually the most profitable customers, or in this case, the readers, so let's hope that only this will all benefit.

old-timers, however, a pity, because in fact that Neo may lose a lot, but the letter had contributed to the development of the domestic market and the popularization growego consoles. But it might not be so bad and just demonize, time will tell. For now, the Playbox have mixed feelings, but it's probably like any other. One thing is certain, that Bauer will not let hood, which was EnGarde, but also knowledge of the publishing house is difficult to expect something very hardcore. I asked if konsolowcy want to read texts of their maszynkach guys with keyboards from the CD Action, or guests from the other side of the barricade. And what do you think about that? I think that despite everything we obczaić first issue, what if we surprise mile?

Author: Kciuk.Majster

Monday, March 14, 2011

Answering Machine That Calls A Pager


recently came to me a little Sebastianek session with their parents. Until then, it was my youngest model. It is surprising that the child is smaller, the higher the bar in the creation of a variety of shots and clever arranging child. Small bravely endured light studio lighting, and general confusion prevailing during the session. He and his parents - thank you for the meeting:)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Top Mens Tanning Lotion

Again trouble

I would like to move 15 years back when everything was simpler, carefree, and tasted Mamba. I do not like his adult life, and the more you know, the more I understand the more I do not like. I'm lost in this life.
gladly wróciłabym the moments when the biggest problem was how to hide the meat under the potatoes so that you could not see kindergarten. He wants to be again a little girl with short hairs in kucyczki necessarily related, which places the head of my mother on her knees and stroking demands, then I was safe and unique. I was a stranger to pain because of the troubles of those close, everyday worries about money, here is how to develop the next month to snatch something for yourself while helping my mom. We will not really help .. About what happens in the home in total by the end nobody knows. We play happy, not having any family problems, and actually now it's just a harmonious pack of friends.
has always been, ever since I can remember the three of us were always together, Me, Mom and brother. No matter what happened, three of us were forever. My father, too bad words. Grandma, of course helped nam i to bardzo dużo, ale nigdy nie potrafiła zrozumieć "języka" którym porozumiewamy się we trójkę. Mama i brat są dla mnie najważniejsi na świecie, nigdy nie dałabym zrobić im krzywdy (choć czasem doprowadzają mnie do szału). A teraz mama znów ma kłopoty, a ja nie umiem jej pomóc..

Przepraszam że tak chaotycznie dziś wszystko, ale natłok myśli kłębiący się w mojej głowie wygląda właśnie tak jak pisze.. C H A O S.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

If I Am 6 Weeks Pregnant When Did I Conceive


I managed to catch a few shots of my child's bath. As it is seldom used black-white, this session I decided to keep just such a conversion. Well time to break away from the color:)