Monday, March 28, 2011

Pokemon Snap Sixtyforce Glitches

Chmielarz write off ... blogger!

PunkGamer to be a place where independent and reliable journalism will be the standard. We want to contribute to this, that players in Poland have access to objective and niezmanipulowanych materials in any way. But such places in the network is more, but they are not promoted in any way, and hardly anyone has heard of them, after all, difficult to break without the marketing, advertising, or behind the other sites of force or even the power of a great publishing house. We want to change! How? By promoting an independent, non-commercial blogs about video games! Perhaps some of you will think how to advertise your own competition, but ... We do not care, because the games count, and good lyrics, not a Sellout, which is poured from the abyss of all the Web! Therefore, this somewhat ambitious idea to create something along the lines of a family of independent websites which provide information about the game, written by real players! How would it work? Well, very simply! Once our service would start, it will be bloggers can contact us in order to promote your own site. Once a month umieszczalibyśmy selected text from this blog in PunkGamerze and placed a link (with banner?) To it, this could be a button on a name. Or maybe even to allow bloggers to publish their texts PunkGamerze and promote their services? The theme is open and as always we look forward to your suggestions - the only two conditions is that the blog MUST be non-commercial (here we do not want publishers and corporations, we want full independence and objectivity!) And at the appropriate level texts. And of course, write about games. Maybe it will help small blogs to promote meaningful what do you think?

And so the first fire goes very cool blog GamesWorld. Quite a funny thing, because we are here today to put the text that you will find, moreover, below, but the goof situation is such that the material has already rebounded somewhat wide repercussions. Namely, this article regards Bulletstorm and responded to this text ... Adrian himself Chmielarz! About Chmielarzu opinions vary, but you have to give back, that was not preserved as an pipa, which is afraid to write a comment under your name, just like the guy, "the myth of big cojones" that we will use such a tri-language word-formation ... We invite you therefore to read the article and visit this blog at . And of course we look forward to hearing your thoughts on this form of promotion of independent journalism growego in Poland!

Bulletstorm But do not give advice!

was a unique opportunity to Polish game came on the world's living rooms and in the field FPS'ów. It is true that before a successful Polish games, but none of them have competed in this prestigious competition. Cool ideas, good execution, all three platforms (PC, X360, PS3) high budget. Was supposed to be beautiful, but it turned out badly.

Reviews may be hyper-optimistic and the game will get the same decade, but the journalists did not affect the outcome of the sale, but We, the players. A mega sale looks weak. I have no plug-ins in People Can Fly, but just look at the available data to determine that it is bad, even very badly. Well, I invite you to read the signs in the sky.

were to be two million, but for now there is not even a million.
Shortly before the premiere of Adrian Chmielarz famous utterance that if the game does not sell two million, it will be his personal defeat. When a player wants to see how the game sells it enters the Ok, this is not the most credible party, and many people complains to her that much misrepresent the results. Even so, it is not just zakłamywanie Bulletstorm but Killzone 3, which appeared at the same time. This applies to all games in the same range. And the numbers on this page are not too optimistic.

Bulletstorm Sales and Killzone 3 was launched at the same time.
Feb. 26 on a good day sold 587 thousand. Killzonów 3 on PS3 and 371 thousand. Bulletstormów for the Xbox 360 and what is the biggest surprise, only 72 thousand. in the PS3 version. After the first week of the difference is about 100 thousand. in favor of the K3. It's not bad!

March 5 Killzone 3 234 thousand., And the Xbox 360 Bulletstorm 138 thousand. and thus exceeded the number of half a million. Sales of the PS3 version is not even recorded. Sales growth rate had to fall. Why did it happen? The answer later in the text.

12 March Killzone 3 132 thousand. and already has nearly one million 954 thousand. copies sold in your account. And we must remember that it's only sold one platform. A Bulletstorm only 81 thousand. units. What could be worse?

March 19, it appears that this may cause Killzone 3 still gives advice and sells another 141 thousand., While the latter forces Bullestorm stuffs 45 thousand copies. Worse still heavily criticized Homefront sells on a good day, 800 thousand. copies.

So. After one month, according Vgchartz on all 3 platforms sold only 840 thousand. copies. Killzone 3 sold over a million and Homefront in the week reached a similar result, if not better.
can argue that Vgchartz ignores some of the market there, and so on. But this disregard for all three games. I to agree that probably went to the first million, not everything that we know and so forth. But we are talking about "a million" and were to be two million. There is only one "but." If it really broke a million, it's Adrian Chmielarz by this praise, because producers like to boast about successes. Look how quickly THQ praised his Homefrontem. They talk about shopping needs at 2.4 million units. If anyone in the sales results are satisfactory to the PCF to the message it was.

Will it be better?
not. I will say brutally, it seems that what was supposed to sell already sold. Sales growth of the game sat. Price reduction? Maybe something to help, but to have an additional one million upchnąć will be very difficult. It would look a little strange that after one month the game goes to the collection of platinum, or some other means. Killzone 2 probably went to her for years. Of course, this is not the PCF is responsible for marketing only the Epic and EA. Well, now EA has Crysis on the head and at the focus now. As to the latter company have big doubts as to whether they did their job properly. The campaign was, needless to say, quite poor. EA Poland Poland can make good publicity Crysis, but in order to bend over Bulletstorm, it is no longer able. What is most confusing, it is tragic that sales of PS3 games.

Bulletstorm Why not sell the PS3?
Probably because of console owners prefer to buy proven Killzone 3, and even how someone had money on Bulletstorm, then went to the store to buy a gun for PS Move. Well, why no one predicted that Bulletstormowi will be hard to compete with Killzone 3, that really do not know. We know that as the close time will be two strong titles, or Killzone 2 and Dead Space, it's for the third may run out of space. Well, as half a year before the launch said that it will be playing with pierdolnięciem, when the announcement is Killzone 3 is hard to move the premiere. I am from the beginning I wrote that compete with the mega-K3 is weak. I wonder what effect the sale Bulletstorm for the Xbox 360 was the fact that the code was added to the new bete Gearsów? Perhaps if the production of PCP did not have to compete with Sony's flagship product, now would be a different conversation. It seems that not until the end of PS3 owners have been pampered. Because when a player has to choose a game that supports Move and 3D and simple game, This choice is very simple. So who to blame?

Success has many fathers, but defeat is an orphan. For the record, this game is over worked Epic Games, EA and PCF. For the guys from the Warsaw studio can have the least pretensions. They did a good job. Everything looks very nice, but the game did not sell. Probably the whole creative process at the headquarters of studies formed different ideas, concepts and solutions. Were they good? Apparently so, because Epic Games and EA are accepted. How does a game for the 1960 to 1980 million ideas that the developers do not pass on a "May" or "does not hurt to try." After Epic Games when making strategic decisions about the look of the game does not throw a coin and looked at what falls out. EA

not better. Clips with some thoughts workers Epic Games ended up not me. Maybe Cliff B. is the authority for holders of Xboxów 360, but for the owners of the Playstation 3 is a person who strongly anonymous. Likewise, in the west who cares if Chmielarz Adrian was 20 years ago, computer, or not? I would also like to know who had the idea to release a demo, which I think is not caught on. Why not be the demo of the gameplay?

That What I disliked about the activities of the PCF is their overconfidence. When I saw Adriana Chmielarz in "Talking Heads" on HyperZ, it looked as if he felt the winner before the first whistle. His statements that Poland, as the market does not interest him much that no one is excited by the fact that Mafia 2 was in the Czech Republic, picking up a very negative way. I got the impression that nobody in the PCF is not interested in Poland as a market, because those from the West have to buy the game. Or maybe it was a mistake? Polish players as if to encourage the purchase of BS is not on a Buy from, because it's ours, but Buy from, because "good because it's Polish," and this supported by appropriate advertising campaign, it might make those 200 thousand. be sold, and now I talked to about a million in a round with only about a million hill. What can I say. The Witcher has sold so well, just because the Poles went shopping.
too am surprised that, seeing how many goodies prepared Killzone 3, or 3D, Move, and the rifle to him, nobody tried to somehow drag the PlayStation 3 users to your website. Instead, it gave the codes to Gearsów only on Xbox 360 No wonder that people prefer to buy exclusiva on your console. In my opinion great wine is on the side of Epic Games and EA. It is they who brand their names all the actions of the PCF, and it looked like something foolish idea, it is they who with their experience and intuition should say STOP. I also had the impression that the balloon under the title game was hypowanie inflated to the limit and probably broke in the first weeks of sales.

What next?
Probably the worst thing about the whole situation is that someone sees a picture here. Major foreign companies have invested in this country about 60-80 million dollars and they failed. This is what I will is leaning with his 20 million and will be their best not to invest in the Polish game dev. If this budget were not so high, that you can always just knock on it. And as for the PCF. Three months before its release Chmielarz loudly said that he would still be able to do more parts Bullestorma. When there are pre-orders and you can download a demo spoke more cautiously. On the way to see how to sell our game. The game is sold, but not in such quantity that we all wanted. Remains for me one more question. Is this really the million so little? Killzone "first" went down in the amount of 800 thousand., but Dead Space "first" went down in excess of roughly 2 million copies in the very long term. Were it not for statements like "2 million, it will defeat for me, so now the million could turn into a half-success, and as we all know from when it begins to succeed by PCF.

could be very good on the basis that Poland won the west and the game has become almost a cult, and the sale of the expectations. Unfortunately, work out how it came out. Time will tell what will happen next. I hope that someone will draw from this lesson for the future, Of course, if you ever have the chance again to play another Polish inscribed in the history of computer games.

This article is excerpted from the blog:


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