Friday, March 11, 2011

Top Mens Tanning Lotion

Again trouble

I would like to move 15 years back when everything was simpler, carefree, and tasted Mamba. I do not like his adult life, and the more you know, the more I understand the more I do not like. I'm lost in this life.
gladly wróciłabym the moments when the biggest problem was how to hide the meat under the potatoes so that you could not see kindergarten. He wants to be again a little girl with short hairs in kucyczki necessarily related, which places the head of my mother on her knees and stroking demands, then I was safe and unique. I was a stranger to pain because of the troubles of those close, everyday worries about money, here is how to develop the next month to snatch something for yourself while helping my mom. We will not really help .. About what happens in the home in total by the end nobody knows. We play happy, not having any family problems, and actually now it's just a harmonious pack of friends.
has always been, ever since I can remember the three of us were always together, Me, Mom and brother. No matter what happened, three of us were forever. My father, too bad words. Grandma, of course helped nam i to bardzo dużo, ale nigdy nie potrafiła zrozumieć "języka" którym porozumiewamy się we trójkę. Mama i brat są dla mnie najważniejsi na świecie, nigdy nie dałabym zrobić im krzywdy (choć czasem doprowadzają mnie do szału). A teraz mama znów ma kłopoty, a ja nie umiem jej pomóc..

Przepraszam że tak chaotycznie dziś wszystko, ale natłok myśli kłębiący się w mojej głowie wygląda właśnie tak jak pisze.. C H A O S.


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