Thursday, March 31, 2011

Taekwondo Yellow Belt Test


With Lego Star Wars III, the case is quite complicated. It is a game unique in the sense that we can only compare it to ... other games of this series. It is also hard to squeeze in one drawer, representing a specific genre. LEGO games in the series are a class of its own, and despite the well-known solution to every player (eg, the use of available capacity for a crackdown on the enemy) pins is surprisingly fresh. It would seem that after two Indiana Jones'ach, Batman, Harry Potter and the three Star Wars'ach Traveller's Tales wyprztyka with ideas and put on a proven method of clipping coupons offering us only the new locations. Calm down everyone - the game will not only further the already known solutions but rather evolving and introducing new elements. As I said - it is fresh.

this time he began to show us the first two seasons, animations Fri The Clone Wars legoludków seen plastic mesh. And if you want to familiarize yourself with the show before playing, an average recommend such a solution. Topics pulled like a bullfinch nose are filled with głupkowatymi gadkami droid, which probably only goes to American teenagers and even the presence of legends (Plo Koon and Kit Fisto) and intriguing moments (the origin of the Grievous cough) can not sit still longer before the television. What other game! Same with the coolest animation patents (Lair of General Grievous!), Usually a very impressive fights with bosses and destroy epic star shares destroyerów y-wing. If the series The Clone Wars movie may be called, is a Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is the best game based movie ever.

Same game except to introduce the mission of "strategic" has not changed too much. Two seasons were divided into three main topics, which are playing like the episodes from the original Star Wars. The system offers a choice of pseudo-linearity of the mission, because it depends on us which path we want to follow. That is not more important - in order to finish the game we have to include all branches. During the tasks assigned to us we always have access to at least two characters that change on the fly and using their individual abilities to overcome obstacles to expounding on the occasion of the hordes tudziez another droid tałatajstwa necessarily residing guest planet. Legoludków, which is the flagship of the series, is a veritable wealth of (no shit, I did not want to count - something like 150), and everyone can find their favorite hero (heroes returning from the previous episodes! - As a reward for remastered Levels).

mentioned above, the missions of "strategic". The strategy, it can be a big word, but considering this new feature in no way call it differently. These missions consist of taking the field scattered battle enemy bases and expand them to new infrastructure to provide us access to a branch clone troopersów, specific tank (AT-ST precursors!) or, for example to destroy the enemy guns capable defense. Sometimes there are armored enemy units stronger than others, which requires an appropriate combining the purpose of destruction. An interesting addition.

fight itself is limited to pressing a button is responsible for waving a lightsaber or a blaster shooting from. Nothing exciting - we admit, but sometimes the animations odpalają during which our jedi kick droidowi Piss head, and rakish with Mocy wali nim o ścianę. Fajny patent, ale nie zmienia to faktu, że do walki (której jest w tej grze najwięcej) używamy tylko jednego klawisza (plus okazyjnie Mocy). Zagadki również nie są jakieś wybitne i generalnie mówiąc sprowadzają się do użycia Mocy na jakimś przedmiocie celem go przesunięcia lub wysadzenia czegoś granatem, które to mają do dyspozycji niektórzy clone trooperzy. I również w tym elemencie teoretycznie szału nie ma. Teoretycznie, to tutaj słowo-klucz, gdyż każdy ze składników tej gry podany jako samotne danie byłby mało strawny i w ogóle leżałby na wątrobie, jednak wszystkie te komponenty bind together in an unusual feast, which enslaves have the same smell, after the first bite exploded and our taste buds can not stop licking the plate when we finished a long time to nourish. This completes the previously fresh whole - adds new patents to those already known to allow a new taste in them. Pseudo-strategic missions are intertwined with the space bataliami tasks, chilled, in turn, are well thought out, do not rely only on obrzucaniu us ever more difficult opponents. It is impossible to be bored.

As in previous games were signed with the logo of the Danish bricks while currently do not participate in any mission, we have access to the hub. Huba, who also, and this time it is open for exploration. Traveller's Tales, however, crossed themselves. Imagine that in the Clone Wars will see two huge warring ships. Ba! Soar, even in space between the kruzerami napierdzielającymi. Available here znajdziek hide many locations, secret rooms (in the medical bay for example, we can create a new character from the available parts), or as to unlock the red blocks (performing cheat'ów role) to buy. Indeed, the magnitude of things to collect and access to the hub unlocks the next location along with the progress in the game, also did not get everything at once on a tray.

brilliantly resolved a split-screen, and even better co-op'a had once described in playteście, so let me I will use quotes:

Split screen: "We do not have a typical split-screen only two characters on screen. As a growing apart the screen begins to divide - there is a dash with its axis turns, depending on how our figures are set against each other. If one character is on the right, second from left is the screen we have divided vertically. However, while the figure on the left will go deeper into the screen (it will be 'top'), this line separates the screen rotates to the horizontal. Now that figure has been at the forefront go over to the puppet, who tried to run away from us is at some point, when we are close to each other, our screens will combine the halves, and the line separating them just disappear. A brilliant patent. "

Co-op:" Cooperation is as true collaboration, and not, as happens in other games - is a common exterminating enemies. Wlecimy robot platform which, in turn, for example, our wife, the power of Jedi Anakin, carry on the other side of the hole, which in turn will use the robot terminal, opening a previously locked door. This is the simplest example - often a "stuck" by combining together, what to do next. Fantastic game to play with the bride (resp. with a colleague - "life has to relish - once a girl, boy again"), which for other games terribly lost. I guarantee you that LEGO charm Your girlfriend and she does not have to like games. Co-op is also user friendly - this is not a separate game mode. Just hit start on the second crash and I look forward to a common fun. He is also a little frustrating - quite easy to die here, however, punishment is minimal - we lose a little bit of coins and already discourage. Even if we have 0 money we do not see the string game over. "

game is long, and taking into account the prevailing standards can be said that even very long. The mass of objects to unlock and also much replayability lengthen this time. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is a unique experience - even for the experienced player. In addition, plucked alive from the music video, rich universe, and improved graphics (great light sourcing!) A high-quality product.

Author: JaMaJ

PS This is a game you do not despise no wife / girlfriend / girl. If you do not like Star Wars is like Harry Potter. How does not like cobra - it's like Jack Sparrow (Prime LEGO: Pirates of the Caribbean in May). Anyway your lube do not have a choice - they must be with you played LEGO - and will love the game because, despite the build up is very affordable. And the immortal co-op.

PS2 Despite all my ochów and outrage can not leave the game the highest score, because ... no. Because LA Noire would then get the 7;) rating of 4 means a very good game - and this is LEGO. JaMaJ'a know the ratings of his - you can not shoot someone with a shotgun in the snout = no maximum marks.


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