Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bas Vampire Cricket Bats India

Why is the time for a new, different game website?

I guess it's time to zapodać you a bit more information about PunkGamera and above all to explain what all the password of the "new, another site for games." That the new, it's obvious, but why the "other"? Contrary to appearances, the answer is relatively simple, but to give it one must first look at other portals, and in general media growym you to know how did the idea for PunkGamera!

first observation of direct concern to all sorts of portals sites such as polygamia, Online Games, PPE, or other Gamezille. Note that the de facto only how they differ, the layouts. Everyone looks like a bit different, but the recipe is the same - we take the foreign news services such as N4G, Kotaku, or (probably just some outrage, the news that we win, yeah ...) and it is good. In a world where it counts only the click-throughs, this strategy may seem understandable, but it reflects on the players who get some washings. Aside from the fact that when we visit one such site, and then wklepiemy address of the second, we see exactly the same content, after all, the news is taken from the same sources, it also shows how to catch Rob, the authors prefer to go in quantity, not quality. When the "editors" (a bit unfortunate word, do you prefer "przepisywaczom"?) Pay the added news, it is hard to expect something else. Bah, we should not be too surprised if one day you see text about the impact on the effectiveness of parsley wpieprzania aiming at Halo 3 Thus, to read too much there, although it depends on the site. But even if there are some reviews or playtesty, then ...

Well, this brings us to the second point. Nothing big and respectable game website is not independent - do not confuse independence with integrity, because it's two different topics. But the fact is that for the most popular portals, publishers typically face - Bauery, Agora, "a perverse sexual positions," or other companies, or corporations who turn millions of green. Players are, moreover, often make the trumpet, for example, because when I read your blog about the most popular console in Poland, they think that they are dealing with an independent service, while in reality, such projects also face cunning enterprises - and known not to do this to the players was good and that an explicit to the interest, but from a desire to profit.

Is it bad? Of course not, in the end this is all about, companies are there to generate profit. On the other hand, the question arises - is writing the text is doing it because they want to share with reliable players, such as individual feelings associated with that game, or does so only because they pay him for it? That the end can not be sure, and we must build up a sentence. Well, what if a guest Title is objective, or can be taken into account some external factors, such as agreements with publishers?

word system may to some seem too strong, but the legend passed after the events that were widely covered in our growym grajdołku. We may mention the interesting gadgets from Halo 3, they got some great foreign editors, or about wywaleniu on the freaking face of one of the editors of Gamespot, Jeff Gerstmanna who dared to play Kane & Lynch: Dead Men issue too low note. Of course, when it came down to it, everyone remains silent, but the fact is that the site Gamespot today was unable to explain why this man thanked, and it is worth noting that in a gesture of solidarity and protest gone there a few other songwriters.

not surprising that the game publishers is the huge importance of the press. This from pismaków depends largely on whether the game will sell, or can it become a commercial dud. The video game market, it is not an entertainment niche, but industry generating turnover reaching tens of billions of dollars. War of our pocket is therefore consistent in principle with only one code - the law jungle. No wonder then, that journalists are invited to party at the gorge, tempting trips, showers gadgets, indeed, some publishers are able to communicate with certain members of the editorial board of the entire division without decision-making, in other words-in-chief often do not realize that an author gets monthly boxes of games, or other fantami. The best action was, moreover, the Prime Minister X360 Slim version, when Microsoft E3 lightly sprezentował every journalist participating in the conference ... free copy of the new console on the property! You do not need Sherlock Holmes to come up with it, for what purpose are carried out such practices, "marketing" of the otherwise fully legal yet. But whether this is fair, consistent with basic ethical standards? You may have doubts. Finally, gifted writer will probably look favorably on the publisher or hardware manufacturer, indeed, do not opt \u200b\u200bfor too much criticism, because he still spin a wide stream flowing tap valuable bonuses. This is similar to some well-known position on the medical market, where a whole bunch of salesmen (also known as "sales representatives") pushes the drug samples to doctors, invites you to an attractive field trips, offering cool gift, for what purpose? Known - by the name labeled as prescription wypisanej specific specyfiku. The industry, moreover, has long been circulating stories about the interesting offers publishers a - "you'll get a game for review first, but we want to cover, and scores above 9 / 10". After all, on an exclusive, especially when the title aloud, not a bad advertisement for the periodical, and thus more sales. It only remains to hope to live that in our country, these practices are not widely used, because we are still relatively small market, but it's only hope.

And then there still loads of other issues. Hardly anyone chooses to describe certain facts in a straightforward manner, straight from the bridge and no longer even a matter of looking at the publishers and that the excessive explicitness would not like them, but rather a simple "what falls and what not," and the desire to please a broader audience of readers. In the end it is known that a large group of hardcore approach of potential visitors to simply scare the world, indeed, common practice is simply an attempt to attract an average crowd respective titles, add text, titles worthy of Boxes, Fact or another.

remember the first half of the 90? Mass cult magazines such as Top Secret, Secret Service, Gambler, SGK, Commodore Amiga & and many others. Some fell along the platforms, which were writing, and some just fell in the face of publishing a lot better prepared to market realities, which olały hardcorowość true, but offer something more affordable for the masses. Just look at the current periodicals, which are becoming more ugrzecznione, vague and easily digestible. When I appeared on the market monthly "Reset", who wanted to be slightly different (the famous department "departures") and more direct, it's very quickly turned out that for a publishing house is simply no place with us.

And this is how we come to the genesis of creation PunkGamera. Niche sites is very much a lot of hardcore gamers create their own blogs, but it's hard to break them. Without any support hard to do something meaningful and audible, and alternative sites for the millions facing the capital is gone and that was hard, because hard to fight these giants. I guess that the topic will be dedicated to the people who stand on the side players. And it was the players, not the editors, producers, and advertisers will be their top priority. For now PunkGamer still being born, but in our team to find people linked to the cult demoscene oriented, which is a kind of subculture of electronic art, which has always fought the Sellout. You will find the rebels, who decided to act, while they know a thing, because it cooperated with the largest market in the press, such as CD Action, PSX Extreme, EnGarde, and the largest portals for games in Poland. There will also work with songwriters from the niche, but kickass and hardcore blogs or commercial sites, indeed, going to such places with us to promote, so now we invite you to cooperation. However, "The Grifters clickthrough" in the form of news is left to others. We prefer to add something that will actually be to read the text, rather than two sentences okraszonymi image, or another screenshot.

And last, perhaps the most important thing - there is no release for us, none of the media behemoth, or other corporation - is put into your time and your zaskórniaki, hence will not be a typical commercial service (if any) we will not enter into any agreements with publishers just going to go to zero through the use of public and general advertising systems. And if by some miracle something will be (a dedicated server and a few other things, it is no small cost), it will be for a beer. But unlike the rest of what we want to strongly emphasize we are not guided by profit, just doing the service, which will really be fair, independent and outside of any system. Most of us have a normal job, so we have something to live - this site will be mostly our hobby. So if you come to any cooperation with publishers, it is on our own terms and only normal ie we sępić at most of the game for review, but if you cut through our language is this a problem, then we will buy them and review and test the item in question shall not fail to mention that the distributor Gave pants and refused to give us a pin the robust test, or that he tried to blackmail us! Key players are hardcore and the passion all of us and I just think that the time has come to a place where everyone, which count for the game and who want to be treated seriously, they should feel at home. Therefore, if some things Initially you will spend a stopgap, or amateurish, then you must understand that for us there is no capital. We will fight for his position and content of a good name, focusing on what is most important, do not write reviews of the game after poszlipaniu in the title of three hours, without fighting for it to be the first in the newspaper market, with some text, because that would be reflected its quality, reliability and simply do not have such possibilities, nor walk. There will also share in the payment for access to any content or other duper, because it has to be service "from the players, for players" where you can openly discuss where fanbojstwo will be suppressed, and freedom of speech rewarded. We want to make just such a place was PunkGamer where grow outcasts and rebels will find something for themselves, where the assessment will not be overestimated, where he will read what, and where there will be room for controversial and often neglected by other content. This goal motivates us and we will be delighted if this approach will fall you will like and want to see us. If we manage to gain the credibility of the hardcore players, and the opinion of the independent guys who play with open cards and fight for the interests szarpaczy in Poland, it will be our greatest reward and motivation to ensure that even more and push the market to change for the better!

team PunkGamera


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