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PLAYTEST: The Witcher 2: Assassins Kings

If you read a comprehensive account of the spring Conference Project CD, surely not escaped you an extensive marketing plan your home. Geralt will be absolutely everywhere, which to some extent, can lead to madness and disgusted. How to write so the announcement of the game, about which everyone has read, knows and in fact sometimes even read it? This question has still not got to know the answers. But I will try to present a feeling that I had the forty minutes spent with the game and describe how it looks in fact the technical side. Skipping a background feature, because I passed the steps of the prologue, and it contains lots of information concerning future events. Who will want is the damn articles and videos on the web about this, and not widely known that the extensive history is the strongest point of the second Witcher, and therefore a pity to reveal its details.

Surely you remember the downtrodden facial expressions in the first part where the characters barely moved his lips, as if someone had robbed their muscles on the cheeks, or a pint of Botox injected into the skin. After the market launch of the expanded edition, where he allegedly made great improvements and were applied perfect system of gestures and movements with their lips, but in fact it was not specially noticeable. I am personally annoyed that "the White Wolf," rather to the ventriloquist, and was counting on big changes in this aspect. You know what? It is better, but the characters a bit more slowly opens his mouth, but this time we have less of a problem to read the emotions on their faces. Has improved very large gestures. It even seems that the creators of the inflection in the wrong direction, because all the characters encountered during the conversation carry a plethora of moves. Dreptają, wywijają hands, move and look in different directions sometimes go without interrupting wygłaszanego monologue, but in most cases seem either terribly upset, or having the team specifically developed ADHD. However, one can not hide that nice to look at it and the whole in this regard looks much better than one.

And since we're on the gestures, is let's get to the animation. Professional sessions "motion capture" passed the exam with distinction. As the tenacious nature of man, this time I do not have what you mix with the mud. Both Geralt and Triss, buttercup and many other leading form, and encountered the NPC has a range of motion tween so great that it's hard actually indicate two identical steps and gestures. I have a similar problem with running off the battle sequences, because these are the real strength of the second Witcher. In terms of animation, is by far the world's highest league, and I'm not afraid to use that combination of words. Apparently the player was given over 80 different moves, but I did not like to verify. If, however, they all look so good and sometimes spectacular, I beat the prostrate. Geralt attacked quickly, deftly, and with amazing grace welt turned the sword, and the pair can punch their opponent spring back, and even spectacular fall to the ground after a shot in the back. The whole, surprisingly, makes a very natural feel. I wanted to hack and slash as many enemies, because once that pollute the environment with their presence, and two, that it rajcowne and engaging. For good measure - an exciting and adrenaline Applicant specifically, when the bar starts to shorten the life of the hero in a dangerously rapid pace, but about a kick in the butt to ask a few more thugs.

Here, too, there is still a plus, at least for me. I do not know how to react to other fans of The Witcher. Fights are, as I mentioned in a previous text, fiendishly difficult, requiring concentration and efficient handling of the mouse (although the game can also "support" using it rains). Even on the easier difficulty level (which to choose is up to five!) Przyprawiają a headache and a desire to shatter the screen. Are absolutely crucial to dodge and use the power of Witcher characters. These are five, and serve to paralyze the enemy, and arson. Contrary to appearances, it is one overpower the kmiotów for several seconds, to address the other, because the Dodgers are able to strike at one time, use the elements of the environment and arise from different sides. When we fall into a host of enemies, this time is no longer the style chopping block and everything that moves. We need to combine to survive. Or more specifically przypakował whole world, or it Geralt became noticeably weaker. Whatever it was, however, developers depend on a difficult game, which will not be shallower if possible, although unlikely convert to the console. I can not forget with complex melee combat, or the possibility of stealth and silent elimination of enemies. Pokuszono is even talk of throwing the game bombs and firecrackers, and these often prove to be our best friends in combat in open terrain in the woods. Sample usage of the widgets presented at the conference, where he threw a grenade like that rips the monster's body into small pieces.

Moving among the tents wrecked camp and observing its residents the impression that all is alive and most importantly, it is not depend on me. So, how often creates a hero to the navel of the world and the most powerful figure in general, so here it Geralt seems to be abused, and even despised. What's more, it is often presented in some way by people raised high in the hierarchy of the kingdom. Many times I wanted to draw from the bubble such cherlawemu chłystkowi who called me a freak, or a creep. Tolerance to patafian not learned? But looking at it from another perspective - great stuff. This atmosphere is felt, and every step we want to delve into the history of even more. Completes indeed a fantastic soundtrack, which builds the tension and be formidable, where it is necessary. The songs are captivating, touching even epic, some slow and gentle, and some fast and loud. Really, you can throw a few pieces on a playlist and listen continuously without fatigue. Unless of course like to in such climates. Can not forget about the sounds of flora and fauna, the inhabitants of cities or brzdęków arms. I remember how one time, one of the materials from the "Making Of" first Witcher presented on how to record the sound of breaking bones, or sword szurania the marble floor. Used for this purpose ice cubes, cutlery, along with a large concrete slab, or cooked spaghetti to give the best possible sound przeżuwanych tripe. This time, unfortunately I do not know the details of production, but what counts is results, and this is impressive. Served to the original just a "talkative" encounter monsters, each was given a great effect of bone breaking, screaming, howling wolves, birds, fragile vessel, the sound of a blazing fire, and many others that could so on and on. The issue of audio in this game is a masterpiece and no limes.

Lipa as is the case of graphics, which, despite the enormous advantages it also has one major drawback. Model-based games on the Unreal Engine 3, here also everything is lit up like dog balls at Easter. I ask, to what end? Why are everywhere throw those stubborn bloomy, hdry or other stuff with names hard to even understand? At sunset, the face of Geralt begins to do a street lantern, like the walls of nearby buildings, fences and trees. It does not look This naturally raises a requirement. Despite this, you can not refuse sequelowi charm. Textures overthrow the number of details and high resolution, the faces were made with the utmost diligence by adding up so far, scratches and hair (naturally only in men, so it was not), and had a closer look, we could see the dirt in the ears of the White Wolf. They reset the views of stupor that sometimes we have the opportunity to admire. Monumental buildings visible in the distance, that would hide the sun (then, in turn, Kopar falls at the sight of sunlight and shadow), and a huge range of visibility make many times I had to stand and look at these wonders. Trees sway in the wind, weather effects, delight, and if that was not enough, everywhere, all around is full of different types of shrubs, bushes and other producing plants moving independently. Equally clearly presents a system which responds to explosions and the lighting and shading. It can sometimes give a solid impression in our jaw, which may ache from endemic falling down. Not pushing it - "The Witcher 2" is beautiful. Author's engine "Red Engine" is a real monster and up is hard to that this is the first draft of our home studio. Many Western developers could learn a profession from the Poles. We have every reason to be proud. Very delighted me the sight of Triss, whose breasts do not hang out at last, are shaped and in its place. Applause! Performed equally well the main character's face. The initial occupation of the fans now you can throw into the trash. Mug bears the marks of battle, it is dissected, soiled, neglected and destroyed by an excess of poisonous potions. That's what it was! And now the real bomb - locations have not loaded every three minutes of fun! To enter the building immediately, as one exit and though the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe game is divided into areas, they are gigantic, and thus becomes clear gameplay smoother and more comfortable.

makers brag about development opportunities Geralt. From now on, he can jump over hurdles, climb over rocks, jump off the steep slopes and cliffs to push opponents and cliffs. Indeed, these elements get in the game, but why on earth only where the authors predicted? Why can not I press the button and just jump up? What's the problem? Game code? Project? Animation? Not fitting game of the year 2011 to impose artificial constraints in the form of invisible walls straight from the first God of War on PS2. And this, unfortunately, continue to occur. There are moments when making a dodge on some hill or slope we hope that the hero will fall or jump off of it, and here - ZONK! The invisible barrier prevents our intentions! Well, that does not offend like electricity in Gothic. It's quite annoying, but in the first part somehow played with all these restrictions so and here for some time to get used to. Albeit reluctantly. And while picking up errors, then throw into the furnace from shading problem, commonly found in many contemporary titles. Shadows tend to flicker, infiltration, disappearance or the formation where they should not be. I wonder if it is a matter of hardware or software, or perhaps problems with the game code, or optimization. Stick knows.

Witcher 2 "will offer up to 16 different endings, four open and close to forty hours of fun filled with humor, struggles and spectacular twists. After what I saw, I am ready to agree with the last statement. I can not verify the other, but they do impression and I hope that the creators do not throw words to the wind. As it happens in an RPG, even here we get character development system based on known assumptions. We gain experience, which increases our level, and thereby gain the possibility of buying talent rozbudowujących opportunities Geralt. The skills are divided into three trees - a magic, alchemy and the master sword, each of which offers a lot of useful "duperszwancy. Such as for example the increased power punches, longer duration of consumed potions Igni stronger character, more likely successful explosion traps and many others. Lots of talent has in addition several levels, like in World of Warcraft, where each enhances the properties of another skill (do not feel like it rhymes!). All this is thrown into a very transparent and convenient interface. In this respect, there was a vast improvement on the first part. The whole is divided into tabs labeled images, from which we choose what we want to see happen. Books, recipe, put the items sewn pieces of armor, flowers and many other items. Ordered on a comfortable scrolling list, where each thing was described several factors. In addition, the right side we see a black figure Witcher and around the place for amenities. During the game we are or what time you sew it better clothes. Keep your Geralt appropriate clothing, because it is a substantial impact on our ability to defend yourself. Do not forget that the main character backpack is not unlimited and it has imposed a weight limit. And Geralt is so strong ...

course could not miss alchemical separate window, which can move only during meditation. We are all ingredients derived from different sources, which combine according to prescriptions thus creating a specific potions. This is a very important part of the whole game, because it largely influences the future course of the fight. Potions to increase strength, stamina, let you see in the dark and regenerate health. Geralt can drink up to three simultaneously, but each of these wines have a predetermined level of intoxication. This is indicated by bar. If we cross it, not end it best, because the effects will go to love, and our attributes fall by several percent.

Recent concerns with the windows log, where we see all the guidelines for each type of work, history of known characters and locations, and skills, and even monsters. A true encyclopedia of knowledge, which make up a description of each item, which can be read at any time. In addition, there is a few sentences, and a long, extensive and exhaustive material is literally a description of the history, biography, origins and abilities. CD Projekt RED odwaliło a good job and it was only reviewing the available texts show how much work has been done preparatory process of the product and its envelope plot. What's more, moving and often ending with a specific task will be able to execute it in several ways, and then this one, selected or randomly generated up in the log. It's a real revelation, because when after several hours of play you desire to recall a specific task, all you will find carefully noted. I shall not fail to compare the course of two identical orders with re-passing game.

A was referring to process all received tasks should raise the issue of randomness. Naturally, the conversation looks very much like the first part (only camera shots are much better), but based on a selection of short sentences, which constitutes only part of the whole expression of Geralt, or is maintained in its climate. This means that we do not know really what to expect. What's more, sometimes traveling around the capital, or camp, or entering the building suddenly in the lower left corner we receive word about the hidden secondary mission, which will be activated at the time of such conversation with the guard. They are usually brief, but extremely Climate task, and their progress depends on ... Exactly. Actually it is not known from what they really. The easiest and best to write at the same time that all the work here does a random generator. This type of "quests" to allow more shell of the site, provide better wczuwkę the atmosphere and getting to know the different characters from different perspectives. We continue to admire a team of writers who prepared the background action and expression of individual character. Pleasant to listen to them and read often comical, yet interesting lyrics. You just want to trudge on to see what the newborn. Complaining can hide in your pocket, I have no objections.

length of the text has exceeded my wildest expectations. It is almost impossible to describe all the issues, and mention of any flavor after 40 minutes of fun. Therefore, the majority found in the review, which the magazine PunkGamera certainly will settle, the more that I personally am waiting with bated breath, and paid for pre-order from the beginning of the year. I can not wait to get intimate scenes with Triss in the lead role, which finally will be able to watch live. Cards go with pictures of the past. Maybe I'm a pervert, but I can not help it. "The Witcher 2 is a game intended for totalitarian freaks and gamers mature adults. Sharp and harsh words are flying here every other sentence (some people swear worse than zapitego Menel the center of Warsaw), the corpse is densely surgeon, sex scenes are very vivid, and the gameplay sucks and forces you to think about. Playing in the classification of the ESRB has received all possible annotations, which only confirms that we are dealing with a major production. Without a garden - despite some imperfections, is preparing one of the best RPGs ever this species. The plot, as in the first part, draws from the outset. Losing the fight is not discouraged, and the motivation to grind your own skills, side quests until they ask to be executed, the weight of additional topics only encourages the player to continue the story, and if that was not enough - The Witcher is a character pretty damn unique and mysterious. We masterful soundtrack and the fantastic, stunning graphics. And all this in a rich and relatively inexpensive edition, in both the Premium edition as well as EK. What more could you want? Supports Polish productions, because in this case - It is worth. You will not be disappointed. Finally, let me summarize the whole text in a few short sentences.

What can kick ass?

vastness opportunities authors pose before me. Incredible, multi-story, with lots of side quests and a plethora of endings, beautiful Triss with jędrnymi tits and rich history, and continuing adventures of Geralt of the first part. The need for better recommendations about this aspect? Image of goose dizziness hell of sharp textures, kapitalnymi effects, enormous range of drawing prepared in accordance with statement - "I see this place close, which I look from afar." For solace comes with scoring an epic soundtrack, and character animation, including the struggle, its spectacular, and so the number of blows. "Finishers." For this we make kicking ass interface, in this paper with comprehensive descriptions of heroes, jobs, locations and monsters, and the development of the main character. All of the above sentences floods climate that the whole game drips, including various forms of race encountered, their culture, beliefs, and distinctive Slavic elements. These dragons are too powerful, great beasts, which need specific tactics and preparation. It will be a full fledged RPG, and a candidate for game of the year. Kick ass everyone, to a lesser or greater extent, but the bank will leave a few bruises. A sustained effect czaderski time by pressing the left "ctrl" will complete the formalities.

What can suckle Pauk?

Shining the elements of the environment and as a result of overly shiny face of Geralt. If he was still bald glace, this could in some impossible to understand. Sometimes fail shadows, but the problem seems to be easy to solve. But what besides? It is unfortunate that sex scene with Triss will not be as deep and detailed as I wanted, but you can not have it all. Posysają now up to the same invisible wall of the throat and reduce native of the previous generation. I ask again, why can not I jump when I want? Damn it all goes, if it appears that the creators cleverly made available the best elements of the game, leaving in its worse aspects secret. I very much hope that this scenario does not find place in history a gaming industry. Let "The Witcher 2" 100% fulfilled the hopes vested in him.

Author: Maciomaniak

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