Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Can A Soar Throat Cause A Tooth Ache

Playbox - a new journal about consoles under the microscope

After high-profile announcements end up being - the third player in the journals of consoles. This miracle is called Playbox, but let's not be fooled by the name of one - bare dup, indeed spreads look in vain here. I suppose they did not want to make, therefore, to Playboy, only to create a peculiar mix of the names of the PlayStation and Xbox. Moreover, a pretty good idea, because the name refers to the most popular razors to play, but it is timeless in its own way - ie, even if once the PlayStation brand, and Xbox will disappear from the market, this release will have no problem with archaic brand, as is the case, for example in the case of the PSX Extreme. The only question is whether he can ever Bauer before such a dilemma, because in my opinion fall Playbox sooner than the Xbox, and PlayStation ... but that's another topic.

first thing that hits our eyes when we look at the first issue, of course, price. 9.99 PLN, it is quite a risky move, how to start, and although this is not a fortune, but this puts it at a price Playbox top, next to the Neo Plus. Thus, PSX Extreme could in some way to sleep peacefully, because the price of the order 7.99 zeta is still in the economic aspect the most affordable option, especially since the terms of the number of texts falls was not worse, and maybe even better.

Another thing to pay attention is the magazine format. Well, perhaps it is sized exactly the same as CD Action, in general so it is large (larger than the competition), which is just an asset for me it is not. Given that the cover is quite soft, lacking rigidity magazine, which read (especially on kibelku) is simply inconvenient, because I did not really possible to hold the Playbox in one hand, to the other at the time such a butt wipe. Overall, "feeling" of cards and the whole magazine is the average despite the fact that the paper is not very bad quality, it is not matte, but glossy, which positively affects the color intensity.

The first issue hit the cover artwork of Crysis 2, which is the most logical move, given that in the middle is the first in Poland, an impressive and extremely thorough review of that game, but with her in a moment. Exceptionally well tempt or "CD Action Recommended!" with thumb raised up. I immediately recalled the I lampkoładowarek reviews and other rubbish that can be found in the CDA, so for me this "recommendation," acted somewhat repulsive and distrust went to the informational content, after all, may be presumed that the majority of people, like me, buy CDA mainly for free games and not content. Here there is no free games.

I decided to journalistic duty to read the content i. .. I will not keep you in suspense. I have mixed feelings. First of all, if we take into account the layout, it emerges a picture of chaos and lack of consistency. On the one hand, there is quite clearly laid out playtesty or review, on the other hand we have the kind of puke in the form of so-called. "Duper" and trivia, where our eyes are attacked by a mass of some frames, arrows, graficzek, captions to photos and other junk. It's obvious that Bauer has decided to vaccinate on the Polish market, proven in the "West" magazine formula for semi-illiterate people who do not like to read the texts, but prefer to view images. Finally, just so they look all the popular monthly magazine about games with our western (those near and those further) neighbors - that is, two columns of text on the two sides topped with full-sized screenshots. As someone in the house is missing paper or toilet paper, or actually can not read, it probably gets a taste of such a person. In my unfortunately misses.

Playbox Fortunately it is not so bad, because the situation save any announcements, playtesty or review, which is already more at ease. Provided that you are a reader of CD Action. We, therefore, with gusts half page of text (but really gusts) and large images. I'm not a fan of this approach to the matter, because pictures, it's me I can see in better quality on the net, and assume that it is now any Internet connection at home has (except Jarek, but until recently he did not even have a bank account or e-mail and has no license - the console also probably does not have, so Playbox target audience is obviously not.) Worse yet these images are often simply poor quality. Page 34 and graphics for Operation Flashpoint. Pikseloza This is a joke? Or the hundredth page and review Stoked: Big Air Edition. Who has committed such a thing to print? Graphic order of 200x200 pixels spread over the surface of 10x10cm paper will not look right and you know what? Surprise - do not look! Instead of such wonderful pictures, I'd prefer a bit more text. After a I buy a magazine. How do I want a photo album, then read from another shelf in Empik (advertorial, its how much we pay empikowi robbers, singers themselves the game 20% more than the rest?). Another splendor

materials are in the style of "31 things that can console." We will find, among other things, that the console will allow us to "recharge" (sic), "shoot a gun" (sic x2), "view pictures" (sic x3), or ... "Play games from around the world" - so to say, oh really? But do not worry, that also allows the game on the Internet, or "forget about real life, too, have mentioned. Whew, we feel enlightened.

Unfortunately, materials with nothing more, but I would lie if I wrote that Playbox, the bottom covered with a mile of mud. Until it is not so bad, and sometimes even at times very well. Fair are some announcements (eg Gears of War 3), cool, that was not forgotten iOS'ie whether Android, also enjoyed good times written reviews. For now, we can not conclude that the evaluation was specifically overestimated, well, except maybe Dragon Age II, where he apparently editors lack the courage to leave this game such an assessment, in which the pins make good deserves. However, despite all this bajzlu and giant images must admit that we will find something to read while driving a bus, but the impression that in this matter but the competition offers more, especially when it comes to most ordinary in the world of journalism, because it is considered the most Playboxie little seriously, in this western, light and shallow style. And it is not sufficient.

Playbox Another problem is the lack of identity. Editorial, it was some laughter in the courtroom - a few zdanek written by ... well, do not even know who. Because not the entire editorial staff. Editors sign with your name. Someone might say that it is ok, well sure, why not. But the players will follow ksywami however, and the name gives the impression of anything serious, while I think you should try to fraternize with the reader. You know what I mean, a lot more fun to read a magazine when there is some clarity that goes beyond the text when I know that whoever wrote it, a player from the blood and bones. What is lacking in some of such specific hydeparku, where the authors could be pouzewnętrzniać, failed to submit editorial, no letters (of course, after all, is the first number - but it could be replaced by something), there is even an article about the Playbox, what this magazine, for whom, from where an idea of \u200b\u200bhow was made. I think most of the missing.

Playbox, is a pamphlet like this for everyone because we are completely shallow and downright pathetic materials, such as "31 things you can console, on the other hand we get a pleasant playtesty, previews, and reviews, where the author is a bit of personality escaped. Once we have a clear layout, once we have the confusion of jumbling, a million images, text, painted with some sort of pseudo-curiosities and duperelami ... you know, it's not those times when the Poles impressed Marlboro or lowered after the departure abroad. I guess now we realized that we need not have wiekich complexes towards Europe, which, incidentally, gave the ass and should have a complex towards us for having betrayed us. We do not need to be thrown into a sack with the Germans, French, British, or even Americans, who prefer that style in the magazine - with the same ton of ads and crap. Pole likes to read. Of course, the one who has to buy something to read. So what is the excuse, the sorrow, for what you need to objectively recognize the number, or review Crysis 2? First review in Poland, yeah ... Like 4 pages, but the first of them, the same artwork with a stupid hasełkiem, on the other text is ... 1 / 5 cards (skipping captions below the images), the third, he will face as the fifth card (one Column on the right side and it's not full height), and of the fourth, where this time we get tired eyes from the reading, and we head spun from the pomp, because the text we have almost half of the paper. How to sum up, it comes out incomplete page of text. Normally I died, but after that Bauer, as usual for them - just a obczaić CD Action, where text on 10000 characters can squeeze in 5-6 pages. It is a pity to talk.

conclusion. I do not know to whom it is directed Playbox. I'm not thrilled him, though it does not undo it, because this formula works writings (unfortunately) almost throughout the world. Merits, such a roller coaster - once good, once bad, once for a more informed player, once for ... retiree? 5-year old child? Housewife? Household pet? Joli Rutowicz? I do not know, I really do not know. As for me, is another obczaję numbers only journalistic duty, because to me this magazine goes completely, but if not This, I would have not bought a sequential number. Is it worth looking obadać? If you do not feel sorry for you dyszki and chat ended srajtaśma, it's like the most. And, paradoxically, does not wish Playboxowi wrong, a letter of consoles for less demanding too useful, and besides, the competition is to himself that he usually goes to consumers for good. Let only the "good" was not dispensing any of the other players, because of the Playbox, I prefer much more PE or Neo Plus. Maybe with consecutive numbers that will change.

Speaking of which, the next release in late May, the third at the end of July, and then eventually every month. I will certainly keep an eye on and see if Bauer's team will learn from their mistakes and draw appropriate conclusions. And invite you to discuss the Playbox, which takes place on our official forum at this here's the link:

Author : Ural


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