Monday, April 18, 2011

How Much Is Ct Stonogram

extensive coverage of the Spring Conference CD Project!

invite you to read an extensive relationship with the Spring Conference of the CD Project, which took place on April 14 this year. It was the biggest media event ever grow in our country. The first public demonstration of "PlayStation 2" attracted crowds of journalists who wanted to experiment with how they look at the adventures of Geralt months before the world premiere. But that was not the only attraction, which was prepared for that day.

But let's start from the beginning, ie from the entrance to the old plant cane, which stewards the company chose the place of the meeting. A large, old building could impress primarily climate. Dilapidated and leaky walls, old worn out pipes, electrical wires protruding from the walls and lots of metal once used as supports to somehow keep it all in its entirety. The organizers know a thing. It's definitely a better place from clubs, or some other crap, which would be hard to hear your thoughts by spreading an echo of the music. Fantastically managed the entire building, inserting, laser, blue light, hanging out pictures, television and posters, and setting a stylish, red (comfortable) couches and low tables at which we could eat in peace snap and drink hot tea, coffee or juice in anticipation of the next presentation. Very nice ladies at the registration point score reported on all scheduled attractions. Pokierowały to the locker room and is happy to give answers to the questions. In addition to that wręczały gifts and what's interesting - read by the newspaper cantilever. Not only that they were eye-catching women of normal guy, it's still interested in a topic. Where do these look?

Morning conference included a plan, "Virtua Tennis 4", "LEGO: Pirates of the Caribbean", "Red Faction: Armageddon" and "Guild Wars 2", the latter of which is nothing like a presentation of the same materials, which can be found on the web. Boring, tiresome speech translating developer, what their game is revolutionary Kiev was because narobili taste, and the room went out embarrassed to face. So let's focus on the remaining titles. To begin with tennis, because I personally am a big fan of the sport and covered in "Virtua Tennis 4" high hopes.

Sega Game prepares, thus continuing the well-known series which has its origins still a decent Dreamcast'cie. We had available to big-screen TV and 3D Move two controllers that allow testing of multiplayer. Initially pograłem alone, assessing visual and general "fun" flowing with fun. Indeed, in terms of graphics is the best looking game on the subject of tennis've ever seen. Released this year, "Top Spin 4" is not what you seek. I picked Roger Federer with his inseparable band on her head, retaining hair, floating up and down with each jump or step up. T-shirt was moving in the wind, and the face of the player refined in every detail (which is difficult given the fact that Federer has a dormer window.) I assume that the 2D version will be even better. Unfortunately I could not see, but I even have to complain about 3D, which is here ... invisible. The benefits of this technology really enjoyed just subtitles. Neither the ball nor the players do not want to jump "off" screen. I think the last time Sega decided to implement bajeru popular in recent times and it came out that, overall - cheesy.

Moments later, to have fun and joined the other person went to the main menu. There he picked the tab game party games, because I was curious what it offers. We jumped on the tennis training, where the change we were trying to hit the ball fleeing the mannequins, looking like a cardboard doll. The whole was scored, and scoring depended on the amount of body parts in which we hit. Frustrating, weak, and to make matters worse - nużyło more than cheap porn. At one party we played a normal meeting. The screen split vertically, and the graphics has been slight deterioration.

As in practice the controller controls the Move? Fortunately, it is intuitive and very easy. The player automatically goes to the ball, and our task is merely to make a swing, or ... Just quickly swing the controller, holding it close to your body. This works correctly, but still noticeable effect spoiled The accompanying game lag or errors in the form of transfer by a virtual tennis racket. What's interesting - when przekręcaliśmy controller, opening the possibility of reflection became lobs, or shear plane just above the net. This works exactly like in reality. My smooth eye wychwyciło another flavor - going up to the screen with the controller in the paw, the competitor doing the same thing. With a slight delay, but thanks to rapid implementation was possible to shear near the net and scoring. Ha! Clever. Moving away from the TV, we returned back to the old position. The general impression after several minutes of play, however, was average - the camera positioned at eye-level player, but rarely I sent the ball where I wanted. Certainly a matter of practice, but personally I prefer the pad fun if only because I see the whole court and then I could run wherever your heart desires. The premiere of "Virtua Tennis 4" was established on April 29. Only now whom I can recommend this game? In fact ... hard to say. Customers are actively playing tennis, however, prefer to play live, and the rest are likely to forgive a few matches, because this sport on the screen is simply in the world - boring.

Another presentation was prepared showing Pirates of the Caribbean ludzikami LEGO in the lead role. I expected great fun, huge deposits of humor and interesting solutions. I got - exactly that's it! Unfortunately, the gentlemen of the CD Project forbade tick pictures, so I can show you why I came out of that room impressed. Sitting down at the screen przenosiliśmy to the great fortress of the brethren of pirates, where playing the role of Jack Sparrow klockowego had to persuade them to help with the mechanism opening the door. The initial projection for the entire location was doing a great impression. The whole idea was designed with the humor and the great rocky mountain. Here and there the water flowed in a different place from the gun mined the line, after which we climb, secret passages, trampolines, gear wheels, torches, and the inherent round to collect different colored blocks, for which we buy some goodies. In short, a masterpiece "dizajnerski. All of our countrymen, the lacing of the film matches the known characters, such as Will Turner or Elizabeth Swann. In total, we can find close to 70 friends face, including the skeletons of sailors, by using voodoo magic. It is dark and yummy!

puzzles are relatively simple, but provide a lot of fun. Many times I smiled under my breath at the sight of animated characters who are coming off, or opening new crossing is rewarding to match the situation of face and gestures. I had to persuade the eight companions, building and moving equipment to help. To make things harder, you need pads scattered throughout the site. With the help of a special compass here comes Jack. Select a picture there of one of the required elements, then we see how Jack grabs his compass and goes after the blue square to the target traces. Excellent! When too long głowimy over the solution into action golden arrows showing where to put what and press. Tasks include, inter alia, on the illuminated dance floor in the rousing rhythms of disco music (as much as he wanted to jump on the table and begin to wriggle out of your ass.) The player had to repeat a sequence of steps to a presentation by two other fellows lego. Each subsequent stage involved the previous and overall, it got interesting spectacle. Another time I conducted a round chunk of falling through the maze, which had to rotate, to rebuild the damaged wajchę to the switch opening the entrance to the elevator. Here it is worth to mention one idea creators. I picked up a large flat block, which covered my hole in the ground. Then I grabbed a big wajchę (over the shoe, otherwise I would not have access to it) and pulled a huge cannon. After all, Jack went on her back, and the camera jumped to a first-person view. Sam had hit two targets, so you opened the door. It is true that great? And amazed how highly addictive!

As in any game with LEGO sometimes could not miss the full flavor that add further layers of humor. When I wanted to attack one of his countrymen, he drew his sword and defended himself in front of my blows. Often I had access to several characters at the same time, opening up a circular menu from which I could choose any character.

There were some mistakes, which of course had to get me. I found two great masks hidden pirates. One of them, Jack put on his head instead of his hat, and ran like a madman. It was very comical, but unfortunately the mask was too big (it was almost as great as the same guy), and thus the hero is stuck in an elevator. For love or do not want to get out there and had to come with a developer who has loaded the game a few moments. Naturally, we can continue to bounce between characters, and several multiplayer gameplay. You will find here all the characteristic elements of the series. The camera sets up perfect for events, music has been adapted to the situation and the przerywnikowych scenes were used, even the official sound theme of "Pirates of the Caribbean. Video sequences were performed in the same style as the other LEGO games. Fellows are silent, and the emotions expressed by all kinds of mines, movements and gestures. The proven formula that still works well and is able to laugh, the more that the human is often getting in big trouble. The graphics are nice, good enough to sometimes be able to admire a particular view. Chosen sufficiently high quality textures and attention to detail. I tested the game on the PlayStation 3 and fortunately - nothing exempted and lacked the ugly teeth on edge. Developers learn from TT to write games for Sony's hardware, because I'm sick of skopanych Conversion! The premiere is May 12. I look forward to!

last of the presentations concerned the latest reads "Red Faction" of the subtitle Armageddon. After a very successful Guerrilla expected kicking ass perishable environment with good graphics and interesting gameplay. So in practice - the entire product was simply to meet the requirements, which imposed the players and journalists from around the world. At the presentation were not allowed to not only do images, but also surf the menu, or to fire a different level than that imposed by the organizers. Niedoczekanie. After passing level told me to leave the room, or start from scratch. This was the only production that presents the X360, but apparently the developers are aware that the pad on the console, suitable for the FPS a lot better than Dual Shock. Presented

level took place in a giant cave (the whole game goes to the vicissitudes sandboksa caveman) full of monsters and all kinds of old, rusty metal stairs and elements such as columns, balconies and unused lockers. All this mixed with modern holographic computers, which offer the ability to change weapons, knowledge of future guidelines of the mission, and also listen to recordings of the soldiers, who were here before. I rejoiced at the sight of a small amount of ammunition available in a backpack. Scattered by various parts of her site and thus had to combine and economical use of available weapons. And this is a lot to choose from. Firing grenades from the grenade launcher plasma, by an ordinary shotgun, machine guns, and two on the plasma bazooce spluwach ending. We have the dress, and even better, that we can freely choose the weapons. As if this were not enough, there is always an option scored a monster from the flask, or even a fist, or planting a kick. The hero blows chosen depending on the opponent. Unfortunately, or fortunately, who else will, I learned later that having played the hero behind much of the game and the beginning of what we do not have to think of such an arsenal.

However, as the main dish looks like Red Faction, or the possibility of destruction of the environment? Here I must admit - insanely. Each element is subject to rozweselającej japsko rozwałce. We even forced by the guidelines of the mission blasting the walls and go find a great concrete wall or a wall, or something else to others. The biggest shock I experienced, however, when I found one of those places, the half-destroyed. The hole was big enough to jump it, but I messed previously pressed the buttons and trigger the lower left (rather than the right - say, a strange thing.) The weapon shot blue phlegm, and the whole was ... Building! I had to take out the bazooka and blow up the wall to move on. Excellent! Moreover, the authors prepared many such moments where we need to rebuild the bridge piece or the stairs in order to continue the adventure. Reconstruction is any element, regardless of when it was damaged. Shooting in an empty space on the floor, you may find that once stood here, this big pole and we happily yard pass. I like it when we got it and then smash, but it ceases to be funny when it turns out that we do not have ...

One of the tasks was to wskoczeniu to the big mechanical robot. Thus, received unlimited access to rockets and machine gun - A paradise on earth. The machine was also able to shoulder taranowania everything encountered on their way. Only at this point, the game showed the true claws. Everywhere immediately became full of debris as a result of countless explosions. But how great looking explosions! Monsters effectively swamped with hot sauce all around, and the bigger hard to defend against bullets. There are also lively skubańce, falling from the top and wdrapujące the walls of the cave. To make matters worse they can shoot at uprzykrzają life so much that sometimes he wants to throw pad. All observed with a third person perspective. Immediately also say that the Xbox 360 a decent there was no inheritance of animation and the graphics sometimes can kick butt. Too bad that such moments is like for a cure. Solid, nice, and entertainment, but absolutely we're not talking about any revelations. Well, although that was thrown antialiasing. The sound stands out positively from a range of earning the highest marks. We hear, like bricks and stones, banging on the metal floor, and steel staircase brzdękają as monsters and scream and whine like rockets świstają beside your ears. Honey on my auricle is, I'm looking forward. The most interesting point

conference envisaged in the afternoon. The presentation of the second Witcher was announced at 14:00 hours, but due to minor delays all started a little later. In Poland, apparently nothing can begin on time. Especially for this occasion attracted a large number of journalists and activists of Optimus SA were also the guests who participated in competitions organized by CD Projekt, giving winners the chance to enter the conference. Prepared a large hall where the stage erected and connected high-quality audio to the projector column. Addressed almost all the places and the course of events broadcast TV over IP. Meeting watched, according to official information, over 40,000 people (and later podliczono their nearly 50 thousand). This is impressive, but on the other hand - you could expect the interest the second part of The Witcher. Came on the scene three people working on the focus of the conference. He was well known to all, Tomasz Gop, producer of "PlayStation 2" and Michael Gębicki, CEO of CD Projekt and Joachim Ladan, Director for sale. Everyone spoke, and the material was divided into three parts, of which the most interesting presentation was of course the game itself. Unfortunately I had to wait for him a good twenty minutes.

Tomasz Gop began with a brief video footage contains some scenes from the "PlayStation 2", some pleasant, a great rock sound. The song is called "White Wolf" and will be used for promotion of the game. It is reported that CD Projekt RED is the developer and the PCtowym knows best. Nifty wymigali the same from the mention on the console editions, but there is a but. Nobody said that this will not be. Do not hear words in the style - console version does not interest us, so fans of pads can live with hope, although it is known exactly who is the mother. When viewed on the screen when the hardware requirements. Minimum are not high. To play in the production of the Polish company, we need at least a two-core processor, graphics card of GeForce 8800 and 1 GB of RAM. Author's graphics engine - "Red Engine", however, has a special feature. Able to scale! Matches the performance and quality of the game to your machine. Thus, automatically adjusts the amount of detail and the individual effects. Tom explained that buying a more powerful processor, for example, four or even six cores gain noticeably better binding, but the liquidity of the game remain the same. Assured that "The Witcher 2" uses all the technological novelties that offer the latest computers and thus no problem will do an excellent use of the processor ośmiordzeniowego. Since I had the pleasure to play, I know that these assurances are not thrown to the wind and I really want to think about buying better equipment for the second Witcher. It's definitely one of the best RPG in the history of the genre. Then addressed the issue of installing the game and the security it uses. In the box you will find two DVDs of the Witcher. During installation you will need to pat serial key, supported by the system SecuROM. This forces a download from the Internet about 50 mb of data. This additional anti-piracy protection - to install the game, we have a network connection, but fortunately it is not needed for booting Wieśka. Thus, CD Projekt RED secured against possible leakage of their largest project. Activation servers will be fired on May 16, and the holders of the collector's edition will play 24 hours earlier than the rest of the world. What is important - The game can install any number of times and run up to five computers at once. There is therefore no absurdity here. Maybe just so that they will lose the sale, because a good friend to lend little game five friends, and everyone will have fun. The creators made it the additional benefits of registration (this is optional - prepared in three simple steps.) Thereby gain the ability to search automatically update any such patches, patches, or free of additives, available on the official servers CD Project.

Players will receive a import option of playing with "The Witcher 1" to "PlayStation 2". Obviously this is not required and you do not have such a "sei" have, but thanks to him we gain a few facilities. Among other things, there are new options dialog, where Geralt will remember what he did in the first installment of the game. The character will gain more moves and talent, which we will not have to take out in the later stages of the game. The title will be released worldwide with the same content and quality. It will not be censored anywhere. Presented plaque ESRB organizations (involved in the classification of games into for age). "The Witcher 2" has received all possible signatures, such as drugs, erotic sequences, violence or profanity, thereby confirming the word developers claiming that the title is intended for adults. Very well - Sapkowski in his work or not limited to mild vocabulary. When this information finally came the most interesting point of the entire conference.

"PlayStation 2" is presented in full Polish language, and focuses primarily on the struggle in the difficult mountainous terrain. You can see how hard the trick is to use inventory of all possible quests. Proper selection of potions and tactics, however, rewarded us with a vengeance throughout the earlier effort, as such applies the health regeneration, so that when we bolt a monster, a red bar with the points after a hp increase. Are invaluable evasions and blocks, as well as pitfalls. One of the subjects with CD Projekt RED team used them to secure a pass behind Geralt, who at that time fought battles with the whole host of utopców. One of them wanted to show intelligence and become a hero from behind. Asshole fell into a paralyzing trap, so that Witcher had more time to get rid of trash, which always siekał. Developers have prepared a variety of powerful creatures, such as the comically named "Corpse Eater." A much stronger and tougher - like Pudzianowski in the world of marsh, rotten guts. Obviously requires a different approach and tactics, because as I hit, it's very painful.

addition, demonstrates one of the many additions to the silver sword. It gained the possibility of freezing of blood-thirsty beast. It was enough if one hit, that such a creature shivered on dozens of pieces. Naturally reduced the chance of activation, which is only a few percent. It also presents the whole system of talent development in the form of a tree - a magical, alchemical and master of the sword. The last of these is an option to purchase an attribute named "Riposta" through which the battle can become more zręcznościowego character. The player has to click at the right time to Geralt asked more powerful blow. That's how strong it will depend on many factors, such as Defense and his agility. Later we saw a brief snippet film where the dialogue seemed to be cut down and thrown into the odczepnego. The main character still speaks with a voice Rozenka Jack, but I must admit that I can not imagine another person in this place. All of localization, overall, falls solidly and can play without any resistance in the native language. Although of course I met malcontents who do not have something przypasiło. Oh well - these will always be.

Witcher The presentation time for information on marketing issues. Michael came on stage and introduced Gębicki number of actions taken on the occasion of promoting the latest adventures of Geralt. We already know that this will be the largest in the history of the Polish advertising industry's share, which includes all available media to a pool of recipients up to 9 million Poles. The value of the entire project goes back six million zlotys, which is also a record amount ever spent on advertising the game in our country. The biggest goal is to obtain a CD project sales of 210,000 copies. For comparison, the first part of the series (yes, longer series) gained ten thousand more buyers, therefore, logical point of view - to achieve such a result would be quite easy. Already has spread 8.5 thousand pieces of collector's edition. The richest ever released Polish edition of the game, and who knows, maybe even more generally, in the world. Engaged inter alia in the field of media company Agora, such as Gazeta Wyborcza, which uses 13 full pages of advertising, 9 of which falls on the last cover, the largest of which is posted on the most spectacular advertising Polish production. On the day of release - May 17, in that the newspaper will also include a four-page supplement devoted entirely to the other Wiedźminowi. Moreover, on the cover of "Gazeta Wyborcza" will be a sticker, which will offer prospective buyers an additional gift when you purchase on release. On the same day to promote the game will also be devoted to cover the entire daily newspaper Metro. This is the first such action in the history of our industry. Not forgotten the web portal Gazeta Wyborcza having nearly 2 million users on May 17 where, to quote Michael Gębicki - and I quote: "The Witcher they invade, surprise, come from every possible corner and do not give them a chance." Also earmarks funds to promote the game in the Warsaw metro. Each carriage configurations stations and at each station Geralt will peep sideways at potential customers.

In addition, the announced 1500 spots displayed in the biggest TV channels in Poland, such as TVN, TVN 24, MTV and VIVA. It is known that there will be the best band antenna, which is in hours 7-10 and 18-23, where the audience is by far the most. Spots are 15 and 8 seconds, with the shorter will appear before the largest entertainment programs, including the X-Factor. You can not ignore the ads on the Internet that will be on the biggest gaming portals. In addition, also purchased the opportunity to present Witcher YouTube. Thus, before each display videos, which has a very high viewership, will appear in advertising from 1930 to 1940 seconds newest adventures of Geralt, and we now know that these commercials will be viewed very much. Not forgotten about advertisements in Polish trade magazines, where you purchased up to 4 pages, following one after another, of one particular ad with great pictures and lots of information. In addition, interestingly, Triss will appear on the cover of the May ... Playboy! Okraszono a volley applause. Thus, there will spicy images, which tempts me tremendously and probably buy this number, as you leave. Last important information technology is fully supported by LG, which made collaboration.

third part of the presentation concerned the presence of The Witcher on the shelves. Joachim Ladan explained in detail how the shopping centers and other computer companies prepare for the coming of Geralt of Rivia. With many different types of stands, informing about the release date, including racks located several hundred boxes of the game. The biggest impressed, however, a huge "gateway Witcher." Unfortunately, it was prepared only 80 pieces, so will be the biggest points of the top retail chains. In addition, the stands will also be spread by close to two meters wide, several thousand posters porozmieszczanych in different places, and a thousand stickers floor. As if it was not enough, that invades the wall, it still has to attack from below ... Overall, the whole makes an electrifying impression, because such a massive undertaking in our country has never been. It's all will surely bring results. Unfortunately, many people may begin to vomit attic of the White Wolf, and I hope that this whole campaign has not come out the side of CD Projekt.

After the presentation, made available a room with a prepared twenty stalls where you could sit and play for 45 minutes in the second installment of The Witcher. What a fool I was, I chose the difficulty level - hard and grabbed the deep end, choosing the most difficult moment of the entire initial prologue. The fight is hard, exciting and far more complex terms previous scenes. We have (truly need) to use the characters, potions, blocks and dodges, or else wait-a long time. It is no longer happy at the moment of clicking the cursor highlight. Opponents of us there from all sides, attacking at the same time and can surprise a great pairing blow. I watched the struggle of the worker, CD Projekt RED team, who finally decided to advise on how I play and it went a lot easier, but honestly ... DO NOT use the approach - I'm an old stager / coke / Pudzian, I take a high level of difficulty, because this can easily pass through. At the exit were handed a gift, and the whole conference in terms of magnitude and development, as well as from the preparation was certainly one of the best in the history of a gaming industry in our beautiful country.

Author: Maciomaniak

PS. We invite you to discuss the conference and the Witcher on our forum for games !


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