Friday, April 22, 2011

How To Remove Ikea Mirror From Wall

REVIEW: Reverie - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (DLC)

I am passionate about. If you wait for the game with a flushed face absorb it on the whole. However, the addition served to us in the form of DLC, I am not particularly convinced. I'm used to the fact that all the content we get on board with the game and DLC I take as a supplement - an unnecessary spin-off to enjoy the "company" version of the game. I treat it as a rebellion against drawing our money by the manufacturers - I will not pay $ 35 for co-op in the fifth Residencia, which is added ... 100KB, which is placed on the board, and we buy only the key to unlock it. Ladies and gentlemen, rabble, rabble! Of course there are add-ons to fully worthy of its price, both the length of the game, theme, presenting it as generally understood, and quality - see the "Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare."

"Castlevania: Lords of Shadow," was for me the biggest positive surprise of 2010. The game sprang like Phil of cannabis and the place swept, hack and slash genre, second only to the God of War. The combat system, requiring a level of difficulty, puzzles, voice acting (Robert Carlyle!) And the length of the game allowed quietly leave the game the highest score. I believe that the end of "Castlevania: los" is one of the best endings of games in general, and probably every fan of the series will grant me a right and a deep bow in honor of Hideo Kojima, because the story, is his work. After watching the final scene a long looking jaw on the floor, wishing to find out what led to this, and not the other finals.

Konami has announced two DLC'ków edition showing us the events between the final fight, a brilliant outre. The first addition - Reverie, after long perturbations eventually saw the light of day. Originally planned for early February, then moved from one week to the next, and finally disappear from the list of publications, and is only available (as submitted by Konami - by mistake) on the U.S. PlayStation Storz. In the end it is. Is worth to wait half a year? Well, kind of ...

After the destruction of the title of Lords of Darkness threatens the world a gentleman, whom we meet in "Lament of the Innocence" with the Playstation 2 Lords of Darkness kept him on a leash, which after their death is too loose and the end of the world will inevitably come. Of course, it may not save him none other than Gabriel, who visited the new location together with Laura from Los known that it also can manage the game. It can not jump, has a rather poor set of moves (but collapses in lightning opponents), but makes up for the skill with which it becomes insensitive to blows, and, as befits a vampire with blood poi what opponents to renew health. Nice news. This appendix focuses on the elements of the platform and the puzzles, which, as usual, are well thought out, need to combine and give satisfaction to their completion. Fighting is definitely the least, not uświadczymy new enemies, and bigger battles count on the fingers of one hand. Everything would be cool if not for the length of the game. 3-4 hours is not enough for 29zł. I like the price is commensurate with the length of the game but I expected more. Not better, but more. Given length of the original game (20 hours) I was expecting at least those five hours.

Reverie is nothing but an extra, thirteenth chapter containing three Levels. The first is the fight with about 20 opponents in a big room, then puzzle i. .. end. One third of the game for us. This allowance, as already mentioned, was intended to show the full story after the game and perform this task properly - I will not spoilerował, but fans will be satisfied - one can not wait for more. Final which is to be waiting longer for the moment, too jiffy, and there armpits! TO BE CONTINUED! Tell yourself - is there anything more wku * lishing? We are one step away from knowing the full story, however, the definitive end of a wait until the release of the last, the second DLC called "Resurrection." The biggest failure here is the length of the game, which may increase slightly the already known levels, remastered (this time we collect your fingers Frankenstein - wtf?) And collecting trophies / achievements. I'm a fan reads the latest Castlevania, but I must say frankly that I failed. Seeing a bit of the story, no matter how interesting and how nicely stated, it is not worth the price. Save youtube come out firing and just include these few clips. The puzzles are satisfying, the music, as usual, at the highest level, the fight, as usual, spared on training, but the unfortunate length, or rather lack thereof, does not allow the issue to a higher note. It remains for us to wait for the second add-on that will certainly set the fight, as usual, brilliant storyline, and hopefully much longer game.

Author: JaMaJ

PS Castlevania I scalakowaną. After activating additive in the trophies from the Castlevania bull was printed as 0%. After passing one board fell into four trophies for finishing the game at the highest level of difficulty. This means that the trophies were not recorded, since odblokowywują up. I do not know how it looks on the list of trophies, because the PSN does not work, even hard to tell whether these trophies, I actually removed or is it simply a glitch, and the platinum was in the 'memory'. Maybe this is the reason I waited with the release of Konami's Reverie? Maybe the fault affected servers? Uncle Google is silent on this issue.


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