Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dresses For Nightlife

PUNKCAST # 2, which talks about games OTHER!

And this is how it was time for another PunkCasta! So the second time we sit down before a microphone and wind the market and the same szpilach growym. This time the conversation took part in the Urals, and Paul blog, which blog is an echo in the industry through some of the article (which was also published on PunkGamerze), to which he responded personally Adrian Chmielarz. It will therefore Bulletstormie and the noise, but of course. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the contents and if all goes well, it soon will be able to be here next installment PunkCasta. To listen to the material just a mouse dziabnąć link like this (with two versions of archive quality to download to your hard drive or MP3 player). As always, we look forward to comments and participate in the discussion:) - especially in our new forum, the topic of this episode: PunkCast # 2 on the forum PunkGamera !

PunkCast # 2 - Download and hearing: click, click .


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