Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coach Bag Albertville Minnesota

(Geo) HOT NEWS! Sony announces bankruptcy due to failure of the PSN!

Such panic that everyone in majty peeing. Some are afraid that their money be stolen card credit someone buys a pound buys tampons and annual subscriptions to pornographic sites on mouflon's advance, while others, in turn, cry and tear your hair out of your head, because I can not pick up PS Home dup. Dup, which are in fact 12-year-old hamburger spasłymi, robiącymi the eggs. What will it be? How about being ... the greatest disaster since the spraying helium by the Russians at Smolensk, which resulted in the better half zniebozstąpieniem largest Polish statesman. So will the "failure" PlayStation Network. And anyway, the title of the article gave a nice, no? Clicking ahead!

I'll start with a thick tube - the years me and trumpet, shit on the band wagon. Somehow I did not move it all. Let him that Nigeria, or another "hakjerek 'years with my credit card and buy a half tons of rice and four Skittles. Let him have. Because it was worth it. It was worth reading all the stupidity that people are discharged in the net, you might want to read the news from sites my former editorial group, ie, PPE and ps3site that should definitely change the layout - which, fortunately, already announced in connection with the transition under the wing of a new publisher ( not yet known what, but it's important that certainly bigger and cooler, because the more commercial - we do some plants, whose juggernaut can not walk?). I suggest layoucik pink, with a nice pomponikiem, possibly in the logo suggest a nice blend the dog, such puchatego, wymuskanego, from hanging out jęzorkiem. The best poodle.

My two favorite news? Ps3site, yesterday. Delicious reported oczojebnym and challenging title: "HOT: Support the official hotline in Poland lies to the PlayStation gamers?". In the same text we read that "the Polish subsidiary of Sony Computer Entertainment does not know anything about any leak of user data PlayStation Network. (...) Says that our most sensitive data, including credit card numbers and are safe (...)".

What indeed, "said the lady from the call center?:

" SCEP does not know anything about data leakage PlayStation Network in the wrong hands. It is not known whether the leaked or not. "

Well, right now. But lady from SCEP-u lied! Well, I leaked! So says yet delicious. Although the right, but it can not claim that 'Cause at the end of the news he writes:" Sony does not exclude the possibility of taking over our credit card numbers by a third party. "This does not rule out whether the leaked?" Are you from the Polish branch, said not leaked? She said she did not know, because in fact how they got to know. Lady said was, 'do not worry and wait for the official statement of one of the branches of an SCE in this case. In the present time, we can not officially say whether they did or not ...". Where

misleading here I ask? Where cheating Polish players? She said she did not know whether wykradziono and to wait for official info. Thinking hurts?

The EPP, in turn, cite the interview with Patrick Seybold of Sony, where the guy said: "Despite the fact that the database on the credit card is encrypted in our system and we do not have as long as information about stolen, this information, we can not rule out that possibility. "Hmm, I note the passage of time being we do not have information about stolen, that information." First, because we have to deal with an interesting stylistic form of the translation (you may want to read something before you publish it), and secondly, because Sony officially confirms what his grandmother told the Polish hotline. That is not to lie, says the situation. More. Data Card credit in the system are encrypted, and there is no code, CVV / CVC, without which transactions are not possible. Despite a couple of hours later on that same site there is great news, "Guard against theft of cash", which read: "If dokonywaliście any purchase on the PSN - it must be aware that your savings card, which are threatened płaciliście theft." Again a typo, but it is not important. More importantly, that you can lose your savings from your credit card! Yes, everyone knows that the credit card used to save. Yes, picking up, but why should I be do not cling to? Some banks offer debit cards that works like a prepaid credit card, but the limits are set, is a banking law, are the government guarantees - if it is, you lose some stówek that and so would probably recover, because the cards are insured. Moreover, previously we found that the cards are encrypted and are not archived code CVV / CVC. However, the brilliant author notes that "even if someone wanted to make a payment using your card data will not have that option (even if they get the correct three-digit security code). "Well. I also believe that deciphering the code that is not even in encrypted form, is very simple, and he sat on the toilet can wypierdzieć 458 CVC codes within minutes. The problem I have only one assignment to the specific data and credit card numbers, but it's probably still a pretty good introduction to free trips in Barbados on someone else's expense, is not it?

jendak Let us briefly to the alter-ego of the PPE, or service ps3site. The box header with the strength of attacks rozjuszonego Doberman: "Failure PlayStation Network: Losses SCE will follow in the tens of billions of dollars ... "- this Nariko fathered a certain flower. Yes, you read it right, "fathered" and "certain." Yes, Nariko, is that chick from Heavenly Sword, no longer give me a break, I know what I wrote! Well, what Nariko wysmarował? I quote: "cost of an investigation of all burglaries in the PlayStation Network account can fluctuate within the limits of the shocking number 24 billion U.S. dollars." Hohohoho, hahahaha, hihihihi, I fell off my chair as I read - even the shoes pulled and punched in the head 50x to check for dreaming. Then I looked at the screen again and looked I stopped again at the 24 billion - this time not quite that fell from the chair, it's still a poturlałem the floor - no shit! Of course, Nariko will not invent itself, only the information given by the famous and well-known institute, "The Penomon (or" pompon, "or" Pokemon "?) Institute, which wykonstatował that PSN has 70 million users, the cost of the investigation to one Account will be about 389 green, przemnożył and so it came out. Well, well - how to be invoked is the best. Especially those who have brains like a barn, and even two barns and combine it with the inside! Damn, I imagined that rubego Hamburger, who is miętosząc invented at that time between the fingers of his nose and goat prutając happily in an armchair and overtook me, so here's reflection: I have cramps like the Big Mac. I guess today interferes with the fast-food with a yellow logo to feel a little like this as enlightened enlightened employee of the institute. I understand that some pay from the news, but the more miserable I have not read the news ... several days, ie from about spray helium near Smolensk. Fuck, I forgot that I live in Poland and here the news, practically everyday: (.

Okay, not yet kończmy with schizophrenia - sticks to the EPP, where Zax is in the form and produced my favorite news, which contradict himself. Zaxa I cherish a lot for sympathy, but some of its news ... I do not know, I'll make an exception and the first time this year I will be virtuous, or fall silent. After all, silence is a virtue. And so the standard onetowo-pomponikowo-style fucktowym our eyes tickled them to click how pithy title: "Failure PSN - leaked confidential information "." Oh, well, pretty klops! read! Blah, blah, blah, and we come to the third line: "It is possible that there was a leak of confidential information. "Well, hey, it leaked, is it possible that it leaked? nah, he's a devil. And anyway, it won the Totka. Really! 4 million lived. Ie.'s possible that I won, I was not even draw. So cool, right?

Ok, this pastwienia styknie up. I do not need a genius to guess that they probably actually leaked the information that is one big mess that Sony has a problem. But people whether the use of noggin hurt? Do you publish any foolishness like that, apparently some guys have left a firmware that makes suck games from PSN friko and that is why Sony excluded service per week for 70 million users? Is the world of poodles and other wildlife must necessarily step into the gaming media? Do you really only counts a click? Looking after the EPP and ps3site think so, and besides, readers of these media, apparently it does not bother too much.

The facts are that the situation is serious, but do not panic. No one account is not anyone ogołoci and PSN downtime can be used for something else - even going for a walk, and some blow really well done by. Alternatively, you can play online on Xbox 360, if anyone has takowego. On the occasion of the failure of the gentlemen of PSN after all, Microsoft arranged for promotion, and you can yank the network friko (jupi!), ba, walk credible rumors that hackers have threatened the same action of MS, which inflicted Sony. Therefore, personally asked Bill to unban all the X360! Seriously, the EPP as written, and gave as the source of the Internet! So it must be true - go in there and click, preferably 5x, then the truth will be even truer and more unbanned your Xbox 360!

I wanted to write a serious article about the failure of the PSN, but I can not. This whole situation to me funny, amuse me, crying, to sue Sony, for one himself in the K3 can not play for 2 weeks, amuse me, the bottom-news, tearing clothes, threatening that he will never have the console from Sony buys the theory that everyone now selling the PS3 and buy Xboxy, etc. Just as if we lived in a world created by George Orwell.

Unfortunately, the truth is that there are no systems "unbreakable," hackers that, when grown up, breaks up everywhere. And if anyone here is the culprit, it was these offenders electronically, or even cyber-terrorists because they can be called so. It's hard to blame Sony, the company terminated the war against hackers and password that could leave them in peace are simply debilne. Sony cares not only about their own interests, but also about the interests of its members. Pirates and hackers are pests, because the honest players do not have any of them good. Nothing! These hakerki supposedly fighting for the restoration of Linux, but after all owe ourselves that Sony wywaliło Linux console. Anyway, it does not matter why they broke into the PSN, beats me, or did the people from the group Anonymous, or with a group ass. I just hope that die from HIV, fall off and get them fujary napleta mycosis (ie before they fall off). And that shit will be through a straw. What else do they wish? Well, quite honestly, what falls to wish each such criminals - let will go to jail and let the courts landed such penalties to bidulki not paid for life. However, Sony has my full support and let them fight with these jełopami. I'm not a fan of corporations, I do not like high prices of games, I do not like stretching us to the cash register. But I do not like or pests that spoil my life. If You fought for the aforementioned hackers. postulates, then I would przebolał, but they did not fight for us players. They are not fighting for nothing and that is the whole problem, and aimed to be a free online service, which is in the most fun. Free! PSN just never had the slightest reservation, and I'm not mad that PSN is not working and I can not tear myself online, but I am furious that these debili by Sony brings the bank a whole lot of restrictions that will appear on the honest players. Through these idiots will not become reality grow better, only worse. The third and the eighth letter of the alphabet to them in the ass!
already puking in the subject, so goodbye. I'm going after that Big Mac. Yum, yum! I invite you to discuss this topic in our forum about games, about HERE!

Author: Ural


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