Wednesday, November 25, 2009

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The rapid economic recovery.

For further explanation of this issue note the differences that exist between socialist and capitalist economies (developed countries) in the case of creating additional demand by the state through expansion
8 Thus, for example in the years 1960-1970 student loan lost about 2 per year, 5%> of its value, make the West German - 3 per cent, the U.S. dollar - more than 3 * / o, pound pack - more than 4%. Bourgeois economists preach out of the view that such "moderate" inflation, in contrast to the rapid inflation, promotes economic recovery. It is believed the fact that no such inflation can not be maintained at a normal level of employment, the state must therefore choose between unemployment and "targeted" or "creeping" inflation.

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process of cost inflation.

As a result of government intervention to encourage a monopoly to raise prices, which became possible thanks to the growth of "demand. Justified this caused the workers to seek salary hikes, which led to an increase in production costs in well-zowanych niezmonopoli branches and, hence, in turn caused a general upward trend in prices is already. Such processes are named "cost inflation". As a result, in the postwar period we are dealing with constant rising prices, which are not transformed, however, until 1970 the rapid inflation that prevents normal business processes 8th
After 1970 the pace of inflation in capitalist countries has sharply accelerated. It was growing rapidly, reaching in 1973 the rate of 7-8% in the Federal Republic of Germany, 10% in 'the United States, and about 15% and more in France, Italy, Japan . It is difficult so far explanation for the cause of such a rapid acceleration of inflation. It can be assumed that there was a combination of internal reasons here - in the form of exaggeration of the processes of cost inflation, and international causes, such as raw material and energy crisis and the "import" of inflation from country to country. These manifestations of the crisis are proof of financial relations difficulties exponentiation functioning of a modern student loan .

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state inflation also was known as surplus.

Conducting policy of creating demand by increasing public debt, therefore, lies in the threat occurrence of inflation, unless the policy ceased quite early, before reaching full employment and capacity utilization. In the case of continuing this process to achieve full utilization of capacity, there is the state of inflation caused by excess demand over possible to produce the production. This type of inflation is called demand inflation. It appears in fact, in periods of overheating, and its cause may be, in addition to excessive spending, excessive investment expansion. That is the problem-in theory. In fact, it is more complicated.

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Increasing demand by issuing new money.

rise in demand will therefore correspond to an increase of supply, which should not lead to inflationary price increases. Emissions tax money used to finance the public debt under-utilization of production capacity does not have to lead to overt inflation. The threat, however, it may arise as to how the economy will be the terminator approaching full capacity utilization and full employment. Increasing demand by issuing new money could then lead to the occurrence of inflation, since the capacity utilization quickly increase in production, and it is necessary ranges, it may be impossible. The economy then there are the so-called. "Bottlenecks". Such a "bottleneck" may be, for example the production of raw materials, development of energy base, etc.

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prodkucji rapid growth.

At this point many readers will draw attention to the fact that debt financing should lead to inflation and increasing her price increases. Well, such a conclusion is not always accurate. inflationary price increase occurs only when the increase in demand without a corresponding increase in supply (for example when the State allocates obtained in this manner for the employment of a number of the unemployed in public works, with a production capacity of the economy are fully used), this situation is not characterized by economies of capitalist countries during crises. The increase in demand occurring in the state following the purchasing and employment of the unemployed in public works is responsible initially sufficient supply, because the economy has already student loan. Then, when stocks run out, you can quickly increase production, because the economy of capitalist countries.

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financing public expenditure.

problem of financing the public debt can be solved also when it is difficult to count on the distribution of a sufficient amount of bonds for public loans direct to the public (eg, student loan ). In this case, the State resorts to help the banking system and, in particular issuing bank. Statutory provisions allow these banks to cover part of the emissions accounted securities. Bank buys bonds so the state pays for not newly issued banknotes that the state uses to finance public expenditures that create new demand.
surveys allow state that today the majority of bond debt is concentrated in the banking system, insurance companies, financial institutions, which treat them as some financial advantages, bringing interest rates by a fixed income.

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The creation of additional demand.

solution to this problem consists in financing government expenditures from the emergency budget deficits, covered by borrowing debt. Technically this is done in the form of a bond issue of state loans (which are distributed among the public or directly invested in the banking system) in order to mobilize not used, and use their savings to finance public expenditure. This creates the possibility of creating additional demand, which through multiplier effects (coefficient of public expenditure) operates in a manner multiplexed on the growth of income. So public spending is financed by an additional element for defining global social demand and its growth does not mean a reduction of consumer spending or investment community. The growth of this type of expenditure, irrespective of the direction of their spending, work on the economy as well as increase investment and thus leads to an increase in demand and national income.

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Falling revenues.

operation in this case resembled ratio of money from one pocket to another, while global demand does not rise. Public expenditure skompensowałyby only a corresponding reduction of private spending.
załamuje'się When the economy, the situation is complicated by the State in a particular way. During this period, government revenues are falling due to a reduction in tax revenues (during the crisis to reduce the taxable income of the population). Because in this period there is a need to increase state spending, the problem is seemingly impossible to resolve, because it is not possible to cover increased spending from the normal budgetary sources. If the country in the wake of a contraction in government revenue limit student loans (and so made the capitalist state back in the early years of the Great Depression from 1929 to 1933), the poor economic situation deteriorates further and the economic crisis will become even heavier.

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Sources of funding policy. Maintaining the appropriate size

national debt as the main source of moving linansowania public spending boom
Ostensibly, it appears that the above-discussed method of "winding times "is a perpetual motion machine that enables capitalism to overcome the economic crisis, and could only surprised that nobody came up with this idea before. It is not, however, since despite the winding prosperity in the capitalist economy there are still variations in the size of production and national income. In practice, capitalist countries face many difficulties in the course of implementing the policy of interventionism. The first and most important of these is the problem of financing economic policy winding.
increasing state spending, if they are to operate bodźcowo to market conditions, especially during its collapse, can not be financed from taxes. Taxes, especially paid by the working masses, to reduce expenditures of the population to purchase goods and services that, in principle, the amount which the State will tax and spend that on creation of additional student loan .

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growth of state spending causes some to weaken the effects of fluctuations in the size range of private investment. Stabilized or even increased during the depression, public spending creates a permanent student loan pko, affecting to stabilize the investment needed to safeguard the continuity of production of goods purchased by the state (defense equipment, etc.) and affecting the direction of development of investment needed to meet the orders state. While maintaining the appropriate size of government expenditure and even using some other method of interference is created so the condition of a weakening of economic fluctuations, which indeed can be observed after the Second World War.

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situation capitalist countries.

increase in expenditure of the capitalist state had to have a definite influence on the formation of the economic situation capitalist countries. These expenses are relatively fixed and not subject to cyclical fluctuations and, more importantly, in the event of downturn tend to increase, and so there can be a different reaction than the capital expenditure of individual capitalist enterprises.
We considered here the fact that the dollar of 1969 represents a much lower purchasing power than the dollar in 1929

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defense spending policy. Forms

major item of expenditure is the expenditure of state armories. Their dynamism, according to official data are likely underreporting, shows an array 41st
quoted figures relate to years in which the United States does not lead official acts of war. However, we can clearly see that the military expenditure accounts for nearly
brojeniu, because it would make them in a much more efficient use of the resources currently spent on maintaining and developing military capability.

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share of the gross national product.

undeniable fact is that in the period (since 1929), and so at the time of emergence and development of intervention state, public expenditure at current prices increased 26-fold, and their share in gross national product increased during this period three times the seventh
Thus, when in the years 1925-1929 the U.S. federal government spending did not exceed 4-6 per cent of national income in 1939 reached 15% of that in the postwar period set at just over 20% of national income. If we consider further that the next federal budget, there are state budget, totaling about 50% of the federal budget, we must conclude that the student loan (including the federal budget and the budgets of state), the United States goes currently over 30% of national income country. A similar situation also exists in other capitalist countries. In France, government expenditure accounted for in the period 1956-1968 more than 40% of national income in Germany - almost 40%. This increase in government spending is primarily due to the new tasks of the capitalist state, the tasks of intervention in the field of economic relations.

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economic stability. Forms

economic importance of creating demand by the modern capitalist state
previously talked about attempts to stabilize the economic situation through the creation of (creation) by the state additional demand, analyzing the problem, rather than the theoretical. Today let us quote the statistics that will realistically assess the significance of this basic form intervention in contemporary capitalism. Let's take for example the global dynamics of government expenditure in the United States.

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create demand. Lending

remarks, this does not mean, moreover, that the creation of additional demand by the state runs in the countries of modern capitalism only in the form of defense spending. The crucial their role does not mean that do not meet the specific role still other forms of creating demand, tried during the New Deal. "Enlargement of these forms promotes the struggle of the working class, which seeks to improve his position. Plays a role so the system of unemployment benefits , and social housing and infrastructure, and subsidizing housing. We must not overlook the role of these moves, but you can not also overlook the fact that the student loan to create additional demand in the developed capitalist countries: the United States, England, Germany, France - is intended to finance defense spending.

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backward countries

Recently many prominent bourgeois economists argues that disarmament is, from an economic point of view, entirely possible in a capitalist economy.
They point out that additional demand during the conversion period the economy can be created by the expansion of roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, housing and the social and economic assistance for underdeveloped countries (granting student loans backward countries, which for these loans they will buy needed equipment investment). These methods are entirely possible, but certainly less convenient for the monopolies. Socialist society are obviously very concerned.

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Marnotrastwo funds. Difficulties

Issue huge sums for things that are completely useless (digging up bottles, construction of the pyramids) would, however, very clearly demonstrate the irrationality of the capitalist system, which is to eliminate the shock of crisis, wasted material resources, while a lot of the basic needs of the masses is not zaspokojonych. This would need to arouse public discontent and mobilize the masses to

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Accepting policy monopolies.

Meanwhile, keeping an arms can prey on the patriotic feelings of the society and make this policy as a sacrifice for safety "Free world". It can be argued that the conduct of this policy is a sad necessity, forced by the prevailing international relations, and that can not be the policy resign. You can thus use the moves and tricks and propaganda stubbornly opposed to the consistent efforts of the Soviet Union and other socialist countries , aiming to achieve sustainable disarmament. Polityka winding times "with armament thus appears to be most convenient for the student loans , while the easiest to push among the masses from all forms of this policy, we accept the big monopolies.
It is, however no doubt that this method of winding the economic situation shows the obvious irrationality of the capitalist system, which is seeking to reduced stability, wasting enormous material resources, rather than spend it on improving the position of the broadest masses and accelerating economic development. Opportunity to explain the "necessity" defense spending does not make these expenditures are expenditures rational from the perspective of society as a whole. The realization of this fact is of fundamental importance for the evaluation the role of state intervention in contemporary capitalism.

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political and practical.

Keynes, the leading theoretician of interventionism, see Winding economic measures in making the implementation of a comprehensive program of investments public - building roads, dams, river regulation, etc. but also claimed that if would be impossible to implement this type of investment, it can fulfill the same role in investing socially useless. He wrote: "probably would be wiser to build houses, etc., but if precluded by difficulties in political and practical, I'd better bury banknotes than to do nothing." Keynes refers in a humorous way possible winding student loan: "If a treasure old bottles filled state banknotes, buried them in an abandoned coal shafts the available depth and peppered the windows junk, and then left to get out of those notes [...] private entrepreneurs (of course after obtaining the land lease banknotonośnego), unemployment would be overcome, and therefore of society, both national income and its physical capital is likely to have reached considerably higher than currently exists "5 Such a kind of burying and digging up notes in today's developed capitalist countries have become the reinforcement, with this difference, however, that the occupation is very dangerous for mankind.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

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My daughter came back from sunny Italy. Here in the knitted shirt at the party.

Blouse włoszkom liked and something you will need to knit a new baby:) For now I finish the last foot, black, terrible. Why not go blind. I got a package of zamotane, unfortunately, is too dark a picture. I will knit scarves, two in gratitude. Family Matters

slowly I settled, my mother is calm, he knows he has me and everything will work out somehow.

Thank you for your kind words.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pain In The Left Rib Cage

grabbed feeling down: (

Mom is already in the complex care - curative, has excellent care and rehabilitation. She took steps to nawetbkilka walker, it's a great sukces.że is it there just fine. I visit her whenever I can. Only brother, the one and only, my beloved, my mother's firstborn son is doing everything possible to make my mother had no place to go. I have no strength, time and money to fight this man. Mama from the center back to me, but how to tell her?


finished cloth, and is already at the owner. He went to the other end to a cousin's husband's Polish. I gave him without regret, was built mainly in buses lorry drivers, which we rode to the hospital.

Muses Over 6 skeins, hook 1.5, and so it seems.

showed no pictures of the oldest daughter, took her blouse, and little trinkets and moved in early July to Italy, returning on Thursday. Long it was not, our first such separation.
Corcia will be with us a few days and go, will start the second year of study.
formed another two blouses, one picture somewhere, but I can not locate it, the other is, I do not sew the arm strength.
I can not do this formula. After that I get this disease learn? I have a contract, I can safely do and everything will take a few girlfriends daughters.
Tomorrow I start something new:)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

39 Weeks Pregnantand Feeling Sharp Pains

Summer fled

quick steps. For two months my mother was at my house. Care of it consumed me a long time. Dziergałam little, my three daughters have been tops in the legs, and now I have in hand a further three. After what I've learned this pattern? I did already think of 10 of these shirts and then I can knit, there are many volunteers.
I finished crocheting a tablecloth, went to cousin's husband, baaardzo liked. Pictures will be like a family evening returns from holiday.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Paintings Of Women In Red Dress Dancing

came back:) I'm going :))))))))

in Kazimierz was only 3 days, but it was beautiful. I came back and as always, do not have time ...

I did the hook:)))

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

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course to Kazimierz. I hope that nothing will change. It's only 3 days, but for me as much as 3 days. I'm terribly tired in the morning in the hospital, because I work, after work we have to the hospital, 25 km away. The house sets the laundry and prepare something for lunch the next day. They help her daughter, a little help. I do not remember when I cleaned up and actually fear to enter, I hope that nobody will come. I can not sleep at night knitting, I finished feet, the eldest daughter. Will arrive on Saturday and we'll do photos. Second Corcia also wants to knit and now is another job, or paws, purple.

On the way we pass by the yarn shop, I promised myself not to go, but I think I lack the willpower, I went alone, I left the Gucio :)))) Olive is probably pretty and I like the color black, and for something useful. Although I have no where to hide those skeins, but if everything has to be hidden?
also yarn, soft cloth and starts bugging me, but I already have more than half, to finish in August.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

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Adoption of goods:) Patience

I like days, I'm back from work and waiting for me something nice, mięciutkiego:). Package came from the store zamotane: new wires and Luna. What's true for me, only the clear, but one I needed. Violet & Rose ordered a "granny neighbor, a retired teacher who used knitting something, but it was very long ago. It was my neighbor two years ago and contracted with various projects. No and comes to the fact that the student surpasses the master:). Grandma will also knit feet, "will come at different times of day and night for advice, I will pull out of the tub, on Saturday mornings you can not sleep my family. Overall, this is annoying, but it's hard, somehow endure, tolerate worse is my husband, I am afraid that it will meet and greet their threats grandmother completely naked:))) If that happens surely write about it.

second package, but unfortunately there are no pictures, she came to Corcia, and her accessories jubilerskieżo cool pebbles and other trinkets. And so slowly turns into a flat in a mess, just a few items and we will not have a place to live.

have tried new wires and they are fantastic. Regretfully, I did only a few rows, because the kitchen was converted into a catering business. The eldest daughter - a student and had traveled back nalepić dumplings. I wonder how much she can eat these dumplings? Well, that helps, although the dumplings, because lately I have great reluctance to pots. That I just got used to the family home obiadków, home made cakes and other stupid things, I have a terz as his own. What I was stupid!
mother in the hospital, with no changes.
Kocurku doing such wonderful things with "paws" for sure you can handle.
Persjanko thank you:)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

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this feature very useful, especially for thin włóczce. In his free time knitting feet, promises to be a nice blouse. Daughter is happy, fitting performed well.

Pictured model is without a head, she had no baseline makeup:)
In my head are born new ideas for knitting, but younger daughters are eager to paws and think in the near future does not jump out with something interesting. And I laughed with Dagmara:)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sms On First Baby Greetings


knitted on the bus. Arouse the sensation, especially for older women, watch, ask. It's very nice:)
lavender paws or knitting, but the yarn is very thin and WIP grows as slow as on my nerves.
mother still in the hospital
Persjanko, Kiwi, Anne, thank you very much.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Aladdin Costume Street Rat

too fast ...

my time comes. Festivals were, today's Friday ... Tomorrow I go back to the hospital, your mom. I'm tired, rest at the wire.

I do not do anything interesting, the famous "hands". I used to think that it is very difficult pattern, I will not cope, and so on ... I need something to count, and this pattern is great.

yarn is very thin, ciuchlandzie bought sometime in the entire 4 zł,
lavender color. Aim is to create blouse for the oldest daughter. My girls like to knit, have a good figure and I am glad that I have for someone to do. The so-called. Meanwhile picks tablecloth, I already have 19 elements.
Thank you for your words of encouragement, are necessary to me.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

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About everything ... Variable mood

Exhibition open:) is something new for me, very positive emotions. Congratulations, a local newspaper asking for an interview, I just would not hit soda:)

I have a few pictures and a poor quality ... we did not have this headache. With the opening of the exhibition we went to, to the hospital.

change in the hospital today, my mother every day weaker, me too, I can not sleep, eat. Shortened hospital stays to the minimum, polikwidowane palliative troops and talk to your doctor ends shortly: please provide care at home mom. How? I do not know, my mother has only me. I was not complaining, but it's probably a crisis.

On the way there, knitting cloth, something already seen, maybe tomorrow I'll do pictures.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ultrasonic Speakersystem, Diy

once loved embroidery ...
children were small, in the evening, when I slept I had to pick up the thoughts and emotions, to arrange a plan for the next day, opened the magic suitcase with colorful threads and sew. I did not need to sleep, it was my rest. Pictures landed in a drawer. Almost forgot about them and a brief conversation led to the fact that my needlework for a few days to leave the drawer. I'm glad.
last days were for me and my family very hard. My mother is very ill and you better not be. The crossing at the hospital I will not write my mother moving to another school.
Robótkowo no downtime on the way to have the knitting cloth, do not have to think too much:)
wydziergałam 13 elements, no end in sight ...
Welcome to the show, tomorrow at 11 grand opening. Keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spanish First Dance Song


Fall off, physically and mentally. I had plans for a nice Saturday, and no, unfortunately ...

my mother rolled her in the house, she was alone, she could not stand up, lay on the floor all night, but fortunately the morning he went to her neighbor. Former police, fire and ambulance, put the glass in the window, and so they got to the house, my mother is in hospital. The poor, frightened, but fortunately nothing broken. It was to be expected, my mother since birth, has a shorter leg, and with age the increasing problems with walking. On a daily basis has a babysitter, my pomieszkuje her incompetent brother.

worst for me is that she was alone, so very afraid that ...

Well that's life.

slack in needlework. I do not have the time and I can not focus on anything.

As it is difficult for me to thoughts of running away to his beloved Kazimierz on the Vistula. There, for years I and my load W. batteries.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

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In my head knitting, new gem, but in real life I do completely different things.

Work, home, children, admittedly large, but we also need to take care of them. I stand at the drums, and I think about knitting, is a miracle that he had not poisoned the household:)

And my today's work - the dumplings, the pictures are just part of what formed. Family satisfaction, and I padnięta.